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Father d'Aigrigny, feeling himself overawed, invincibly and inexorably, by this diabolical being, made a last effort to resist and exclaimed, "Oh! sir, these boastings are no proofs of valor and power. We must see you at work." "Yes," replied Rodin, coldly; "do you know at what work?" Rodin was fond of this interrogative mode of expression. "Why, at the work that you so basely abandon."

"And how could you so basely presume to write this letter?" "And how came you," replied he, with looks of unparalleled effrontery, "so basely to presume to open this letter?" I could scarcely govern my passion. "Ungrateful wretch!" I cried. "Begone, and no longer pollute my dwelling with thy baseness!"

Why, he too, like himself, this princely suitor, and all other men, must love her, spite of his strange conduct at the well by the roadside it was impossible for him to do otherwise and now, safe from the poor prisoner's resentment, she was basely, treacherously enjoying another's tender caresses.

But our duty, if we are qualified for it as we ought, is to give them information, and not to receive it from them; we are not to go to school to them to learn the principles of law and government. In doing so we should not dutifully serve, but we should basely and scandalously betray, the people, who are not capable of this service by nature, nor in any instance called to it by the Constitution.

The temptation of the natural man, basely selfish, was strengthening its hold upon him. 'Do you love me? Do you really love me? he replied to her, with thick, agitated utterance. 'Why should you ask that? How can you doubt it? 'If you really love me His face and tones frightened her. 'Don't make me doubt your love! If I have not perfect trust in you what will become of me?

When this notion of the alliance between demons and women had become a commonplace, "the whole tradition was directed against woman as the Devil's instrument, basely seductive, passionate and licentious by nature." Man's fear of woman found a frantic and absurd expression in her supposed devil-worship.

Merrick or whether he was alive or dead. At last the terrible truth began to dawn on the poor creature that she had been basely deserted by him who was sworn to be her friend and protector and she became almost demented, she tried to account for his silence in many ways but her intellectual acumen as too great and her reasoning always brought her to the one sad conclusion.

Oh! it was basely done! you have robbed me of the glory of youth, of the convictions of virtue, of the sanctifying thirst after wisdom.

McKeon was therefore no longer at a loss to account for Feemy's melancholy; and whilst she felt a cordial dislike to the man, who she thought had so basely deceived Feemy and was now going to desert her, she was heartily glad for her sake he was going, and reflected that as he was to be off to-morrow, it was useless for her now to begin to be uncivil to him. "I'm glad to congratulate you, Mr.

Then those very people, who, basely to comply with the brutality of Alvarez, had misused Father Xavier in his life, after his decease did honours to him; and many of them asked his pardon with weeping eyes, that they had forsaken him so unworthily in his sickness.