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It was Barty who had brought out the car, and, on his father's departure, he released the grip of the railings that had enabled him to keep his footing, and was, literally, blown into the house. "Shut the door, my Pigeon-pie!" said his mother, "the wind's too strong for me."

'Didn't he? echoed Barty, in some astonishment. 'Then what's become of him? Men don't disappear in this mysterious way without some reason. 'Ah, but there is a reason, replied Slivers, bending across the table and clawing at the papers thereon with the lean fingers of his one hand.

Christopher came out of the waiting-room and at sight of him it fell again. "They must go back to work," he said to the head foreman, who waited uneasily. "They can do nothing, and if we stop work there will be trouble." "Where are you going, sir?" The foreman ventured this much on sheer necessity. "To Ann Barty." "What shall I say to them?" Again he eyed the men uneasily.

"Can I do any thing for you, mistress?" asked her untutored attendant, touched at the sad and despondent tone of the other. "You may bring me in a pitcher of fresh, cold water, with some ice in it, if you will, Barty," replied the former. "It seems to me as if this inward heat was consuming my vitals, since I took the doctor's medicines."

I met Barty Mangan the other day, and he was asking me all sorts of questions about it." "I shall call it 'Christian, dost thou hear them?" said Larry, telling himself that the moment had come. "I was feeling that about you all the time I mean when I was painting. Christian, you did hear them, didn't you? What were they saying? Did they say anything about me?"

As he encountered his son's look, however, his expression slowly changed from amazement to contempt, from contempt to growing ridicule, and from ridicule to black anger. John Barty was a very tall man, broad and massive, but, even so, he had to look up to Barnabas as they faced each other across the table. And as they stood thus eye to eye, the resemblance between them was marked.

"'Tis impossible to hold these young fellows," he said, severely, while he and Dick strolled slowly round the weedy flower garden of Mount Music, one sunny August afternoon, four years after Larry's coming of age; "You may be sure that I pointed out to Barty that he and Larry were playing the deuce with you over the sale, but what could I do?

He had the wide, brains-carrying forehead of a fox, as well as a fox's narrow jaw, but his eyes were small and black, and as quick as a bird's. Barty and Tishy, who were not agreed in many things, were agreed in being afraid of him.

The general opinion was that he was supplied with money by Mrs Meddlechip, while others said he gambled; and, indeed, Barty was rather clever at throwing sixes, and frequently at the Bachelors' Club won a sufficient sum to give him a new suit of clothes or pay his club subscription for the year.

'I fancy I do, said Vandeloup, with a strange smile. 'You must excuse me to your supper to-night. 'No, we won't, said Barty, firmly; 'you must come. 'Then I'll look in later, said Vandeloup, who had not the slightest intention of going. 'Will that do? 'I suppose it will have to, said Bellthorp, in an injured tone; 'but why can't you come now?