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Then, to the aid of the despairing French and Italian colonists, came one Tom Farrell, an English trader on the Duke of York Island. He gave them provisions, advanced them money, and treated them well, taking care to get possession of the Genil and the barque Marquis de Rays.

Simon's, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Budd, of the gunboat Potomska, and Acting Master Moses, of the barque Fernandina. They made valuable suggestions in regard to the different rivers along the coast, and gave vivid descriptions of the last previous trip up the St.

I myself remember that a Norwegian barque bound out with a cargo of pitch-pine had been given up as missing about that time, and it was just the sort of craft that would capsize in a squall and float bottom up for months a kind of maritime ghoul on the prowl to kill ships in the dark.

No; apart, perhaps, from the passengers, he of all on board betrayed the most anxiety respecting the crew of the distressed vessel. In an hour the Flying Cloud was hove-to abreast and close to leeward of the wreck, which proved to be a fine wooden barque, copper-bottomed, on her beam-ends, as Ned had reported, with her masts lying prone in the water.

They threw their oars over and fell to rowing fiercely; but the barque was not five cables' length astern of us when the first of the white cliff of vapour smote the Hindoo Merchant, and she vanished in it like a star in a cloud.

It was about midnight of the third day after we had lost sight of the barque, and the seventy-two hours that Ryan had allowed himself in which to find her again were fully spent, without affording us another glimpse of her.

These matters I will now throw together in the next chapter. FIRST AND foremost, I must give some account of the Julia herself; or "Little Jule," as the sailors familiarly styled her. She was a small barque of a beautiful model, something more than two hundred tons, Yankee-built and very old.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of this date. I beg now to enclose for your Excellency's perusal, the affidavit of Captain Charles F. White, of the Sea Bride, protesting against the capture of the said barque in British waters.

Another voice cried warningly, 'We are going right into that barque, sir. The answer to this was a gruff 'All right, and the next thing was a heavy crash as the steamer struck a glancing blow with the bluff of her bow about our fore-rigging. There was a moment of confusion, yelling, and running about. Steam roared.

Directly it was seen that the barque had indeed escaped, the Flying Fish's engines were slowed down to their lowest speed, and the whaler, relieved of the enormous tugging strain upon her, once more floated on her normal water-lines.