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There was a slight flutter of expectancy as the class settled itself to listen, and, opening the little green and gold volume where a white ribbon kept the place, she began to read: "Now there was a troubadour in the kingdom of Arthur, who, strolling through the land with only his minstrelsy to win him a way, found in every baron's hall and cotter's hut a ready welcome.

She knew the Baron's almost savage temper not unlike Lisbeth's too well not to quake as she thought of this Othello of Rio de Janeiro. As the carriage drove up, Steinbock released Valerie, for his arm was round her waist, and took up a newspaper, in which he was found absorbed. Valerie was stitching with elaborate care at the slippers she was working for Crevel.

He found the room in disorder, but a disorder rather familiar to his eyes. He had been the cause of most of it. Here was where he broke the baron's arm and thumped three others on the head. It had been a good fight. Here was a hole in the wall where one of the empty revolvers had gone missing the Colonel's head by an inch. There was a smudge on the carpet made by the falling candles.

Another man entered, whose face was also outside the baron's range of vision; and the new-comer, in a tone of astonishment, exclaimed: "Good heavens! what are you doing?" The baron drew back in despair. "All is discovered!" he thought.

"That," said Hector, looking away, "is more difficult, not to say impossible." "Impossible, my dear Hector?" said Madame Marneffe in the Baron's ear. "But you do not know to what lengths Marneffe will go. I am completely in his power; he is immoral for his own gratification, like most men, but he is excessively vindictive, like all weak and impotent natures.

"You are more likely to continue it in pieces, when so many outlaws and cutthroats are about, and my duty will not suffer thee to go farther till I know that thou hast thy father's, that is, the baron's permission."

Ten thousand nameless victims, in the cause of religious and civil freedom, may build up great states and alter the aspect of whole continents. The nobles, no doubt, were conspicuous, and it was well for the cause of the right that, as in the early hours of English liberty, the crown and mitre were opposed by the baron's sword and shield.

It must come, my friend," he added, grasping the baron's hand; "we shall not be separated here; and, if I mistake not, we have in Gilbert one who is not to be awed by the lion of Franconia!"

George was to dine with the Chevalier at the Baron's apartments on the morrow, and that there was a chance that I should join them. He suspected that villany was in the wind, and when I retired to my room at a late hour on the night of the fete, I there met him, and it was then that he revealed to me everything which I have told you. Am I not right, then, in calling him our preserver?"

"Yes, it was splendid, as you say. What more, Dumitru?" "The friend of the Englishman was killed, I think. He was of the Embassy. There will be much questioning over the affair." "The Baron's folly is likely to ruin us," said the Princess. "There is still Captain Ellerey," said Frina. Dumitru looked at the Princess, the slightest flicker in his eyes attracting her attention.