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Curiously enough, the fact that, summer and winter, the old man never missed early mass and always put a silver quarter even a silver dollar, it was breathlessly whispered in the alley in the contribution box, merely served to strengthen this belief. The fact was, I suspect, that the key-ring was the biggest end of the business Old Barney cultivated so assiduously.

So saying, this strange individual sat down at the table, and was soon as deeply engaged with his large book as if he had suffered no interruption; while Martin and Barney, having gazed gravely and abstractedly at him for five minutes, turned and smiled to each other, jumped into their hammocks, and were soon buried in deep slumber.

The suspicion that had been growing in Johnny's mind, now brought into the open by his relief at finding Hetty alive and virtually unhurt, bloomed into full flower. "Barney," Johnny asked softly, "which oil drum did you put in the back of the pickup?"

On his reaching the ground again, a similar explosion occurred, and Barney dashed aside, overturning Martin in his haste. Martin's heel caught on a stone, and he fell flat on the ground, when instantly there was a report as if he had fallen upon and burst an inflated paper bag.

"And where did it disappear?" asked Woodward, leading him by a circuit from the spot where it had vanished. "Just over there, sir," replied Barney, pointing to the place. "But, in God's name, let us make for home as fast as we can. I'll think every minute an hour till we get safe undher our own roof."

"I don't dare think," replied Butzow, "because of the fear of what this may mean to you and Miss Victoria if it was not lightning that destroyed the mill. I shouldn't have spoken of it but that it may urge you to greater caution, which I cannot but think is most necessary since the warning I received from Lutha." "Why should Leopold seek to harm me now?" asked Barney.

"W-e-l-l, I know they don't git their eyes open for a week," asserted Moody. "You're clear off, first crack," retorted Barney. "It's nine days, instead of a week." Again the men were awed to silence. "Yes, that's right Barney's correct," presently admitted citizen Wooster. "You old ninnies!" said his daughter Sally, and she turned away to go to the house.

That's why I'm willing to let him be my boss. He's a wonder at thinking up new stunts, and then at working out safe new ways of putting them across." "But the police landed him at last," commented Hunt. "Yes, but that was only because another man muffed his end of the job." The handsome Barney Palmer had been restless during Old Jimmie's eulogy.

Its head was clumsy and misshapen, and altogether its aspect was very horrible. Before either Martin or Barney could fire, the hermit dropped his gun and spear, sprang quickly forward, caught the animal by the tail, and, putting forth his great strength to the utmost, swung it round his head and dashed its brains out against a tree. Barney and Martin could only stare with amazement.

On the roof of the Grantham they were excellently served; for Barney knew how to order a dinner, and he knew the art, which is an alchemistic mixture of suave diplomacy and the insinuated power and purpose of murder, of handling head-waiters and their sub-autocrats.