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He glanced around the room at the walls and rich paneling, and added, "I suppose that's what you have to pay for all this sort of thing?" Before Stacy could reply, a waiting visitor was announced for the second time, and Barker, with another hand-shake and a reassuring smile to his old partner, passed into the hall, as if the onus of any infelicity in the interview was upon himself alone.

Barker observed at the time that he thought it probable I had mistaken this hill for Mount Lofty, since it shut out the view of the lake from him, and therefore he naturally concluded, I could not have seen Mount Lofty.

"It's just what me and Mr. Barker was talking about! I'm from up his way, and I've just come down to Boston to see if I couldn't look up a job; and he was tellin' me, in here, about your wantin' a telegraph I mean a elevator-boy, but he didn't think it would suit me. But I should like to give it a try, anyway. It's pretty dull up our way, and I got to do something. Mr.

Rodney Grant, has tumbled you off the pedestal and taken your place." "I wish you wouldn't tut-talk about him!" cried Phil. Herbert shrugged his narrow shoulders and smiled. "You don't like him any better than I do, that's plain. You thought you liked him once, but you've found him out. He's a conceited pup. Strange how everybody seems to fall for him, even Lela Barker.

He saw it, gathered up under the woman's arm, concealed by the folds of an orange-colored scarf, overrun with a pattern of many gorgeous colors, which she wore, and carried into the house. Then the person whose back had been toward him, turned and looked that way. It was Agnes Barker.

He was drinking a dose of sal-volatile, and admiring its opal tint. The King advanced with a slight mystification towards the tall figure, whose face was in shadow; then he said "By the Great Lord of Luck, Barker!" The figure removed his plumed cap, showing the same dark head and long, almost equine face which the King had so often seen rising out of the high collar of Bond Street.

As soon as they passed away, he resumed the duties of his profession with unabated ardour. We have spoken of Mr. Barker and of the red cab-driver, in the past tense. Alas! Mr. Barker has again become an absentee; and the class of men to which they both belonged is fast disappearing.

"Barker," said Claudius, "was saying that he supposed he would be married some day delivered up to torture, as he expressed it and the Duke undertook to prophesy and draw a picture of Barker's future spouse. The picture was not attractive." "Did Mr. Barker think so too?" "Yes. He seemed to regard the prospects of matrimony from a resigned and melancholy point of view.

Between this inlet and the one formerly mentioned, a small and clear stream was discovered, to which Captain Barker kindly gave my name. On landing, the party, which consisted of the same persons as the former one, found themselves in a valley, which opened direct upon the bay.

"And now " said Carroll, "I want to chat with William Barker. There are one or two loose ends I want to clear up." Barker was very humble as he entered the room. "You're free of the murder charge," stated Carroll promptly, "but we may hold you for blackmail." Barker heaved a sigh of relief. "I ain't objectin' to that, Mr. Carroll. It's a small thing when a man has thought he might be strung up."