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The chief master-at-arms, bareheaded, climbed into the conning-tower. "Captain Blake, what'll we do with Finnegan?" he said. "I've released him from the brig as you ordered; but Mr. Clarkson won't have him in the turret where he belongs, and no one else wants him around. They even chased him out of the bunkers. He wants to work and fight, but Mr.

A few of the men have the peasant costume, a short jacket and breeches of light blue cloth and white stockings, the ugliest dress I ever saw. The women go bareheaded, and seem fond of scarlet and other bright colors, but are homely and clumsy in form.

"I never was scared in my life that I know of, and I'm not going to begin with my very own aunt. I rather like a fizzle now and then it freshens one up. Don't you worry about me! I'm quite able to stand up for myself." She pushed open the gate of The Nook as she spoke and sauntered up the path; laughing, bareheaded, radiantly unashamed.

The feeling which makes the modern gentleman tell the labourer standing bareheaded before him to put on his hat the feeling which gives us a dislike to those who cringe and fawn the feeling which makes us alike assert our own dignity and respect that of others the feeling which thus leads us more and more to discountenance all forms and names which confess inferiority and submission; is the same feeling which resists despotic power and inaugurates popular government, denies the authority of the Church and establishes the right of private judgment.

This morning at 10 o'clock I went to No. 13, Rue Saint Maur. The hearse was there. MM. Bouvier and Mourot awaited me. I entered the salon. I kissed the coffin. Then he was taken away. There was one carriage. These gentlemen and I entered it. Arrived at the cemetery the coffin was taken from the hearse. Six men carried it. MM. Alexis Bouvier, Mourot and I followed, bareheaded.

As the poor tramping old basket-maker, whose failing strength would not allow him to earn much of a living, his simple funeral was attended by nearly a whole village, honest men who stood respectfully bareheaded as the coffin was lowered into the grave kind-hearted women who wept for "poor lonely soul" as they expressed it, and little children who threw knots of flowers into that mysterious dark hole in the ground "where people went to sleep for a little, and then came out again as angels" as their parents told them.

Gurth lifted his helmet, and kissed the mailed hand that grasped his own. "I go," said he. And so, bareheaded, and with a single trumpeter, he went to the hostile lines. Harold awaited him in great agitation; nor could any man have guessed what bitter and awful thoughts lay in that heart, from which, in the way to power, tie after tie had been wrenched away.

So that was what she had been threshing out between whiles? I might have tried to answer her, but now the little tent among the willows began to glow with fire and candlelight, and a dark shape loomed against it. It was Cecil Harshaw, bareheaded, with an umbrella, coming to escort us in to supper.

I have almost died of loneliness since I sent him away. But I thought he would come back! I must see him there is time to reach the station before the train goes if I go by the fields." She took a wild step towards the door, but I caught her back with a sudden mind-vision of Aunt Olivia flying bareheaded and distraught across the fields. "Wait a moment, Aunt Olivia.

Through the narrow streets, between crowds of people standing on the pavements or looking down from the windows, while the church bells ring and wreaths of incense fill the air, bands of music, squadrons of cavalry, crucifixes, shrines, images, the banners of the parishes and the guilds, heralds in their varied dresses, bareheaded pilgrims from England, France, and other countries, pages, maidens in white, bearing palms, or crowns of thorn, or garlands, priests with relics, acolytes and chanting choristers, pass slowly along.