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They shouted, and danced, and clashed their weapons, and assailed their foes with all the artillery of barbarian derision. But the colonists, unconscious of the ridicule to which they were exposed, continued their course, and came to anchor in Narraganset Bay just as the twilight of Saturday evening was darkening into night.

There isn't one of them Napolyon of Flamberge, Rodolf of Excalibur, or Angus of about half of Gram who is devoted to civilization or anything else outside himself, and that's the mark of the barbarian." "What are you devoted to, Otto?" "You. You are my chieftain. That's another mark of the barbarian."

His ambassadors, in their public audience, demanded the fortress of Lilybæum, ten Barbarian fugitives, and a just compensation for the pillage of a small town on the Illyrian borders; but they secretly negotiated with Theodatus to betray the province of Tuscany, and tempted Amalasontha to extricate herself from danger and perplexity, by a free surrender of the kingdom of Italy.

She didn't care who called him a coward. She cared only to keep her own. There wasn't any sense in it, anyhow. Why should Daddy and Derry be blown to pieces or made blind or not come back at all? Just because a barbarian had brought his hordes into Belgium? Well, let Belgium take care of herself and France. She shuddered deeper down into the bed. She wasn't heroic. Hilda had been right about that.

"It was fine, and one loves him all the more for it, but it was exasperating too, with such tremendous issues at stake in the world of living thought, to see him pounding away at those truculent old Red Indians in their barbarian original tongue.

"Why do you presume to call me Barbarian?" I asked, avoiding the main issue. "For this reason, Humphrey. All men are the same.

There are many Germans to-day, as in Bismarck's time, who ridicule the notion that the possibilities of trade in Oriental countries justify the national risk now run for it and the national expenditure now made upon it; but it is sometimes forgotten that, apart from the chance of obtaining concessions for the building of railways, for the establishment of banks, for the leasing of mines and working of cotton plantations, there is a large German export of beads, cloth, and, in short, of hundreds of articles which appeal to barbarian or only semi-civilized tastes.

I can't see, myself, that civilised people are one whit the better in all these respects than the uncivilised barbarian.

These facts exhibit the civil polity which became so common during Greek and Roman times, and obtained again in Italy after the fall of the empire and the barbarian invasions, up to the time of the Renaissance. The Helots were a rural people dwelling on the lands of the Spartans which lay about the capital or in the Laconian towns.

In a previous debate, the chariot of Sesostris, and the wheel of fortune, were applied by one of the ministers of Justinian, who observed that the reduction of Antioch, and some Syrian cities, had elevated beyond measure the vain and ambitious spirit of the Barbarian.