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For months I have been engaged, and " he here became aware that he was acting foolishly in talking like this to a love-sick servant, and turned on his heel abruptly. "I'll go in the next room," said he, "call me when you wish for my presence, Jennings. I can't possibly stay and listen to this rubbish," and going out, he banged the door, thereby bringing a fresh burst of tears from Susan Grant.

"I'll go!" and he set off at the best pace his years and his shaking legs could compass. Plaisance was standing at its doors, trembling still at that fearsome cry, and wondering if it was, perchance, the last trump. At sight of the panting figure coming up from the Coupée, it scuttled and banged the doors tight. "Open!

And with a triumphant outburst of "I killed Cock Robin!" she banged the door after her. There was a pause. Then Addie said, "Seventeen to-morrow! Mamma, Lottie really is grown-up now." "Is she?" Mrs. Blake replied doubtfully. "Time she should be, I'm sure." Lottie had been a sore trial to her mother.

"That's a cannon, all the same, and they're getting ready to shoot!" "Oh! my! It makes a fellow's flesh just creep, to think of being banged away at with a great big cannon!" declared Andy. "This one isn't so very big, I think. And now we're nearly opposite where the fire burns. They're going to make a move to show their hand.

The owner of the dog is a very pretty black-eyed girl with banged hair, who prattles about herself and her dog with perfect freedom. She is staying at Cottage City, lives at Worcester, has been up to Boston to meet and bring down her dog, without which she couldn't live another minute. "Perhaps," she says, "you know Dr. Ridgerton, in Worcester; he's my brother. Don't you know him?

The Calico Clown stood up near the Candy Rabbit and looked about. Then the Calico Clown banged together the shiny brass cymbals he held in his hands. "Clang! Bang!" went the cymbals. "Ha! that sounds like war," cried the Bold Tin Soldier. "Come, my men! Forward march!"

Then, even while she stood with caught breath listening, the door burst open and a blast of wind and sand came hurling into the house. It banged shut again instantly, and there followed a tramping of feet as if a herd of cattle had entered. Then there came a voice. "Damnation!" it said, with vigour. "Damnation!

Alan heard it above the beating wings of the monstrous fly. Things lurched at the opened door; Polter banged it upon them and rushed away, shouting the alarm through the palace. Dr. Kent was stammering, "Not the enlarging drug, Glora, child, the other! Hurry!" Alan helped Glora with the opalescent vial. Things were lurching toward this room, from the laboratory.

Presently a huge door, sounding as if it were made of iron, was closed behind them, and Stephano exchanged a few words in a whisper with some one who spoke to him at that point. Then they descended a few more steps, and at the bottom another door was banged heavily, when they had passed its threshold, the echoes resounding like pistol-shots throughout the place.

Almost directly afterwards I heard the loud clatter of fire-irons from somewhere away in the basement, a door banged, and then something, or someone, began to ascend the stairs. Up, up, up came the footsteps, until I could see first of all a bluish light, then the top of a head, then a face, white and luminous, staring up at me. A few more steps, and the whole thing was disclosed to view.