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He saw Balt wave his arms furiously and heard him bellow profane warnings while the fishermen scurried about excitedly, but still the tug held to its course. Boyd raised his voice in a wild alarm, but had they heard him there was nothing they could have done. Then suddenly the affair altered its complexion.

Then, since his own experience left him without resource, he hastened straightway to George Balt. A half-hour's run down the bay and he clambered from his launch to the pile-driver, where, amid the confusion and noise, he made known his tidings. The big fellow's calmness amazed him. "What are you going to do now?" "Butcher by hand," said the fisherman. "But how?

From the door, Nadine said, "Good heavens, Balt, are you badgering my guests again?" The three men faced her. Balt said nastily, "I am astonished that you persist in bringing members of the lower orders into my home, Nadine." "Our home, Balt.

I would appreciate an opportunity to start over again." "Would you indeed?" Balt Haer said loftily. He turned his eye to Philip Holland, whose mouth bore the slightest suggestions of suppressed humor. "Unless I am mistaken, the conversation at the time of my entry seemed to have a distinctly subversive element.

The older man's eyes went to the kilted Upper officer who had brought Joe along. "What is it, Balt?" The other gestured with his stick at Joe. "Claims to be Rank Captain. Looking for a commission with us, Dad. I wouldn't know why." The last sentence was added lazily. The older Haer shot an irritated glance at his son. "Possibly for the same reason mercenaries usually enlist for a fracas, Balt."

Emerson shrugged his shoulders listlessly; he was very tired. "What is the use? It won't pay us to lift it." "I've watched that point of land for five years, and I never seen fish act this way before," Balt growled, stubbornly. "If they don't strike in to- day, we better close down. Marsh's men cut half our nets and crippled more than half our crew last night." He began to rumble curses. "Say!

His eyes were shining, his face had lost the settled look of dejection, and was all aglow with a new dawn of hope. Even his shoulders were lifted and thrown back as if from some sudden access of vigor that lightened his burden. "You're right!" he said, firmly. "We'll send for Balt to-night." Now that he had committed himself to action, Boyd Emerson became a different being.

Her brother, who could have been only slightly her senior, was obviously enraged. "Are you suggesting that I am not welcome to stay in this, our family home, simply because the property is in your name?" "Not at all," she sighed. "You are always at home here, Balt, I simply demand that you exercise common courtesy to my guests." He turned and walked stiff kneed from the room.

"You first used your glider in that fracas for father and Vacuum Tube Transport. Now that the commission has ruled against gliders, Balt, now head of the family, has been both fined and expelled from Category Military for life. It hasn't exactly improved his liking for you." Joe hadn't heard of it, however, he had little sympathy for Balt Haer, nor interest in him.

Joe Mauser looked at him unblinkingly. Balt Haer said: "Now I'd like to have your opinion on just how Vacuum Tube Transport can extract itself from what would seem a poor position at best." In all there were four others in the office, two women clerks fluttering away at typers, and two of Balt Haer's junior officers. They seemed only mildly interested in the conversation between Balt and Joe.