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It is bad practice in any master of dogs to suffer them to be at all neglected when there are any tokens of inflammation of the feet. The neglect of even a few days may render a dog a cripple for life. If there are evident appearances of pus collecting about the claws, or any part of the feet, the abscess should be opened, well bathed with warm water, and friar's balsam applied to the feet.

She soon had proof of it. General Keith came up to the Ridge just then to see Gordon. At least, he gave this out as the reason for his visit, and Gordon did not know until afterwards that there was another reason for it that he had been in correspondence for some time with Dr. Balsam. He was looking thin; but when Gordon spoke of it, he put it by with a smile. "Oh, I am very well.

When they had passed through the little clearing, and the darkness of the spruce and balsam walls shut them in, he took her hand. "It is dark and you may stumble," he apologized. "This isn't much like the shell plaza in front of the Cape Verde, is it?" "No. Did you pick up any of the little red bloodshells? I did, and they made me shiver. There were strange stories associated with them."

When I say that the book declared that the balsam could heal every sort of sore or wound, there were a few against which it was powerless, and it gave certain signs by which these might be known. This was the reason why Gilguerillo demanded to see the king's foot before he would undertake to cure it; and to obtain admittance he gave out that he was a shoemaker.

He lit out over the hill soon as he saw us." They went into the house. Jessie walked straight to where Onistah lay on the balsam boughs and knelt beside him. Beresford was putting on one of his feet a cloth soaked in caribou oil. "What did he do to you?" she cried, a constriction of dread at her heart. A ghost of a smile touched the immobile face of the native. "Apache stuff, he called it."

"And you helped him?" asked Kasana. "How could I do otherwise?" replied Ephraim. "He had already lost a great deal of blood and was pale as death. So I carried him to the nearest ditch, washed the gaping wound, and anointed it with his balsam." "I put the little box in his pouch myself a year ago," said the nurse who was easily moved, wiping her eyes.

Pierre Michaud, now a fine stalwart fellow of twenty-one, just married to that little sister of Jean Cochot, about whom he had once told so big a lie, had begged for the privilege of adorning the rest of the chapel. For two days, he and Jean, his brother-in-law, had worked in the forests, cutting down young trees of fir, balsam, and dogwood.

And we scouted the river region thoroughly, routing out nothing save startled deer that bounded from their balsam beds and went off crashing through the osiers, or a band of wild turkeys that, bewildered, ran headlong among us so that Tahoontowhee knocked over two with his rifle butt, and, slinging them to his shoulders, went forward buried in plumage like same monstrous feathered goblin of the forest.

When he saw Lienhard Groland's glance rest upon her, he noticed also how strangely her emaciated face changed colour. Though it had just been as white as the napkin under his arm, it now flushed as red as the balsam blossoms in the window, and then paled again.

She poured on some balsam and bound up the cut; all gentleness, all tenderness, like a mother over her babe. "There is a little jag here, Maisie, that aches outrageously now that the other has been lulled to sleep." I pointed to my breast. She undid my shirt, and, as she surveyed the damage, she cried out in anxiety. It was a raw, jagged, angry-looking wound, but nothing to occasion concern.