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"Your protection has led me into danger," returned Eva, in her best voice to denote anger, "and your seeming interest is out of place and, besides, Mr. Locke, Paul Balcom does not like your being here. You know he is the man I am to marry." As she said this, Eva looked roguishly at him. Locke's face clouded a little, although he knew it was only in a joke.

Balcom leaned forward excitedly. "I do not intend to let you wreck this company because your conscience, as you call it, has begun to trouble you," he hissed. Brent's hand clutched nervously. He was afraid of Balcom so much so that he fought back only weakly. Locke was down in the hallway just in time to meet Eva and Paul as they entered.

The records you want are there. He and I have quarreled and you can go as far as you like." Zita took the key eagerly, thanked Paul profusely, and started for the door. She had barely passed the threshold before Dora, who had heard all, was at the telephone in her own room and was angrily calling up Balcom at his apartment.

Down-stairs, Balcom had just arrived in the hall, where he was met by Zita with a report of what had happened the day before. "Tell it to me in the strong-room while I place this package there," Balcom whispered, indicating the package which he had brought.

Paul returned immediately to his father's apartment, where Balcom was impatiently waiting for him. He described minutely Old Meg, her eagerness for money, and the squalid quarters in which she lived. The elder Balcom seemed satisfied and they left the apartment together. "Paul," directed Balcom, "get out to Brent Rock as soon as you can while I make arrangements with this Old Meg."

'They're after us! he cried. 'Brent and I have done our best but the government is after you, and we can't protect you any longer. "Then for the first time Balcom told me of the real purposes of the company, told me that he had been drawn into it by Brent. It was all a tissue of lies lies that drove me from my home and country. I hated your father with an undying hate, Miss Brent.

"Let me see you. Stand round where the light can strike on your face," and Editha dumbly obeyed. "So, you're Editha Balcom," she sighed. "Yes," Editha said, more like a culprit than a comforter. "What did you come for?" Mrs. Gearson asked. Editha's face quivered and her knees shook. "I came because because George " She could go no further.

But at first he could not explain why he was in the spot at the time. Then Locke went on to tell him of the document that Paul had shown to Zita. Doctor Q sank heavily into a chair. "That document that Paul Balcom showed Zita," he exclaimed, after a moment, "told the truth." All were startled. Zita would have risen with a cry had not Locke gently touched her arm.

And, whatever one may believe about woman's intuition, there must have been something in it, for even at a distance one could see that Eva mistrusted Paul Balcom, her fiancé. Locke scowled blackly. Paul thrust himself almost rudely between Davis and Eva.

Stepping around a partition that separated the knife-switch from the room in which stood the electric chair, Balcom watched. The chair was of practically the same construction as the chairs used in prisons for the supreme penalty, with electrodes to connect at the head, arms, and legs of the man to be electrocuted. "Stand back, sir," called one of the men as he shot the switch home.