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When our Liddesdale friend had heard the whole to an end, he shook his great black head 'Weel, I'll uphaud there's baith gude and ill amang the gipsies, and if they deal wi' the Enemy, it's a' their ain business and no ours. I ken what the streeking the corpse wad be, weel eneugh.

"One of my chief objections," I said, "to the religion of the Moderate party is, that it is of no use." "A gey serious ane," rejoined the old man; "but maybe there's a waur still. I'm unco vexed for Robert, baith on his worthy faither's account and his ain.

"'Deed, Mistress Raith, she's had o'er much o' her ain way, and she is neither to rule, nor to reason wi'." "Davie Promoter is a wise-like lad; he did right to bring you here." "And nane too soon." "She's sae setten up wi' the fuss Maister Campbell made wi' baith o' them. Naething gude enough for Dave and Maggie Promoter. The best o' teachers and nae less than Glasca College itsel', for the lad "

After a', there's baith gude and ill about the gipsies. This, and some other desultory conversation, served as a 'shoeing-horn' to draw on another cup of ale and another 'cheerer, as Dinmont termed it in his country phrase, of brandy and water.

They imprisoned Beaton, but did not deliver him up to the English, and they came to terms with Arran; nor did they carry out Henry's projects further than to permit the circulation of "haly write, baith the new testament and the auld, in the vulgar toung", and to enter into negotiations for the marriage of the young queen to the Prince of Wales, afterwards Edward VI. The conditions they made were widely different from those suggested by Henry.

'I am nae good woman; a' the country kens I am bad eneugh, and baith they and I may be sorry eneugh that I am nae better. But I can do what good women canna, and daurna do. I can do what would freeze the blood o' them that is bred in biggit wa's for naething but to bind bairns' heads and to hap them in the cradle.

And he was baith civil and just in his dealings; and if he thought his chapman had made a hard bargain, he wad gie him a luck-penny to the mends. I hae ken'd him gie back five shillings out o' the pund sterling." "Twenty-five per cent," said Owen "a heavy discount." "He wad gie it though, sir, as I tell ye; mair especially if he thought the buyer was a puir man, and couldna stand by a loss.

"'Go upon no such an errand, said your mother to both of us; 'for there is blood upon baith your brows, and there is death in your path. "'Havers, lassie! cried her faither angrily; 'are ye at your randering again? what blood do ye see on their brows mair than I do, or what death can ye perceive in their path?

"Him," said her man, "that is forced by a foolish woman to wear genteel 'lastic-sided boots canna forget them till he takes them aff. Whaur's the extra reverence in wearing shoon twa sizes ower sma?" "It mayna be mair reverent," suggested Birse, to whom Elspeth's kitchen was a pleasant place, "but it's grand, and you canna expect to be baith grand and comfortable."

At one angle of the square there is a house somewhat larger than the rest but just as simple and unassuming. In the dining-room of this house an elderly lady was sitting down to lunch alone, with the covers laid for another at the opposite end of the table. "Hae ye the spare room ready, Emma?" "Yes, ma'am," said the maid. "And the sheets done airing? And baith the pillows?