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Although the sailor's words had stimulated my curiosity in the highest degree, I repressed every semblance of the feeling, and ate my supper with a well-feigned appearance of easy indifference; while he questioned me about the hopes of the Bourbon party in their secret machinations, with a searching inquisitiveness that often nearly baffled all my ingenuity in reply.

His answering look baffled her. "No," he said. She laid a conciliatory hand upon his arm. "You are! I'm sure you are!" "I am not," said Saltash. "Then why aren't you?" demanded Toby, with sudden spirit. The monkeyish grin leapt into his face. "Because I know what you said," he told her coolly. "It is not easy you will never find it easy to deceive me." She snatched her hand away.

But agile little, Woo was quicker than the Tartar horseman. With a nimble turn and a sudden spring, she dodged the Tartar's hand, darted under his pony's legs, and with a shrill laugh of derision, sprang up the sharp incline, and disappeared in one of the many cliff caves before the now doubly baffled horsemen could see what had become of her.

"Dhritarashtra said, 'After Drona had been slain with the aid of fraud, and the Narayana weapon baffled, what, indeed, did Drona's son, thus urged by Duryodhana then, do, beholding the Parthas once more arrived for battle freed from the Narayana weapon, and careering at the head of their divisions?

William however baffled the prognostic, though his constitution had sustained such a rude shock that he himself perceived his end was near. He told the earl of Portland he found himself so weak that he could not expect to live another summer; but charged him to conceal this circumstance until he should be dead.

With this I thought I might raise an atmosphere of bad whisky, and for the rest I must trust to my meagre gifts as an actor. Supposing I escaped suspicion, Laputa and Henriques would meet in the outhouse, and I must find some means of overhearing them. Here I was fairly baffled. There was no window in the outhouse save in the roof, and they were sure to shut and bolt the door.

If that is what love means the craving to possess and restrain and demand and hamper and absorb, and generally make mincemeat of the beloved object, then preserve me from the master-passion." Henriette was baffled. "I don't know how to make you see this in a truer light," she said.

Adam must have been some such man as he, when the Lord gave him 'dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air." The hand paused courteously a moment, then resumed its quick, cool movement over the page. He was not baffled. "If there were such a reality as mastership, that man was born to rule. Pike will find him harder to cheat than me, when he takes possession here."

He was told that it was entirely out of date and very incomplete, and the library did not own it, and he was referred to the drawer in the card catalogue relating to geology. For a time his stubbed old fingers rambled among the cards, with an ever-rising flood of baffled exasperation.

From the outside, some of Anjou's officers were attempting to climb over this mass of bodies in order to enter the city; from the interior, the baffled and fugitive remnant of their comrades were attempting to force their passage through the same horrible barrier; while many dropped at, every instant upon the heap of slain, under the blows of the unrelenting burghers.