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The three men ate and then wrapped themselves in their blankets, for it was very cold high up in the mountains, and stretched themselves to sleep, as the great animals around them ceased to feed and rested. Badshah lowered himself cautiously to the ground and lay down near his men.

She held out her hand to it. The long trunk shot out, brushed her fingers and then her cheek with a light touch that was almost a caress. She stroked the trunk affectionately. "Now, Badshah, this is a new Sahib." Frank, with the baby girl seated on his shoulder, stepped forward and extended his hand. The animal smelt it and then laid its trunk for a moment on his free shoulder.

As the elephant moved along his rider's eye was quick to recognise the traces of the passing of the raiders, where no sign would have been visible to one unskilled in tracking. All at once Badshah slackened his pace and began to advance with the caution of a tusker stalking an enemy. Confident in the animal's extraordinary intelligence Dermot cocked his rifle.

Dermot put the girl behind him and raised his rifle; but with a low murmur from its throat the animal lowered its trunk, and he recognised it. "Thank God! we are saved," he said. "It's Badshah. He has brought his herd to our rescue."

He was to remain and follow to Kuttarpur by the afternoon's tonga. He forthwith sulked and Amber, looking round upon the little Tephet that was Badshah Junction, had not the heart to reprove the man. "It's all very well, sir," said Doggott. "I carn't s'y anything, I know. But, mark my words, sir beggin' your pardon there'll be trouble come of this.

A few bones, parts of the hands and feet, some rags of clothing and a long flat narrow leather case. He tore this open and hastily took out the papers it contained; and as he skimmed through them his eyes glistened with delight. He sprang up out of the nullah and ran towards Badshah. When the elephant's trunk had swung him up on to the massive head he said: "We must go back at once.

So, not the fear of the Government, as Dermot intended, but the terror of him and his attendant devil Badshah, lay heavy on the border-side.

When he saw his mother he ran to her and said: "Mummie, bad, naughty Badshah won't lift me up." He suddenly caught sight of the stranger and paused shyly. "Brian darling, this is a new friend," said his mother, bending down to him. "Won't you shake hands with him?" The child conquered his shyness with an effort and walked over to Frank, holding out his little hand.

And the train continued on its appointed way, bearing both Amber and the injured Doggott. Thus they had come to the heart of Rajputana. In the chill of dawn they were deposited at Badshah Junction. A scanty length of rude platform received them and their two small travelling bags.

The shock staggered the murderous brute and almost knocked it to the ground. Only the fact of its having turned slightly at Badshah's cry, so that his tusk inflicted a somewhat slanting blow, had saved it from a mortal wound. Before it could recover its footing Badshah gored it again.