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There is something almost pathetic in the spectacle of a really great leader badgered and importuned by lesser men to adopt a course which he, with a superior insight, knows to be unsound.

It does not stand to reason that men are reluctant to leave places where the very life is almost badgered out of them by importunate swarms of beggars and peddlers who hang in strings to one's sleeves and coat-tails and shriek and shout in his ears and horrify his vision with the ghastly sores and malformations they exhibit. One is glad to get away.

Johnson had made the same mistake, but corrected himself in time, and nothing was said about it; but Breen was bullied and badgered in the watch below, the lubberly nomenclature becoming a byword of derision and contempt, until, patience leaving him, he doubled his sore fingers into fists one dog-watch, and thrashed the Irishman his most unforgiving critic so quickly, thoroughly, and scientifically that persecution ceased; for the Irishman had been the master spirit of the port forecastle.

He was as savage with me as if I had been a Chinaman." It was plain he had been viciously badgered. He did not mention how many bottles of his best claret he had offered up on the altar of conciliation. It must have been a generous libation. He didn't mind that; and I only regretted that this virtue should be lavished on the lieutenant-commander of the Neptun.

"Ay, you did but seek to curry favour with the craven crowd," burst out the now thoroughly angry King, always jealous of the popularity of this brave young Prince of Wales. "And am I, sirrah, to be badgered and browbeaten in my own palace by such a thriftless ne'er-do-weel as you, ungrateful boy, who seekest to gain preference with the people in this realm before your liege lord the King?

"I can't see any difference," she announced, after a brief scrutiny. "It's rather sunburned and thick." "I'll gamble his mind is a jumble of good English oaths with maybe a sprinkling of Boer maledictions. What did you do?" "Nothing unless, perhaps, he objects to being disciplined a bit. But I also object to being badgered into matrimony even with Sir Redmond." "Even with Sir Redmond!"

His voice had the tone of a peaceful animal badgered beyond all patience. The professor was laughing with his eyes. "You are quite right," said he. The game was over, the players got up. "Yes," said the professor with quizzical seriousness, "the case of Sigismondo is more complicated."

"No. Uncle John and Aunt Mabel know; though I don't think you need fear that they will let it go any further." "That's all right," continued Raymond, in a snivelling tone. "I was badgered for money, and I really couldn't help it. I've been sorry enough since. I don't think I'll wait any longer, I'm in rather a hurry. Well, good-bye.

He had entered the game, lightly enough he had demanded his stack of chips, now he would stay for the show-down. Either he would clear his ranch of its mortgage and thus make clear to his meddlesome old grandparent that he was a man grown and no mere boy to be disciplined and badgered willy-nilly, or else his meddlesome old grandparent would in truth "smash" him.

"You might have done me the service of not excusing yourself to the squire when he came here, in such a way as to implicate me." "But I was so tremendously badgered, Ned." "You had a sort of gratification in letting the squire crow over his brother. And he did crow for a time." "On my honour, Ned, as to crowing! he went away cursing at me. Peggy Lovell managed it somehow for you.