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When, in 1546, Cosimo, Duke of Florence, ordered all prostitutes to wear a yellow veil or handkerchief as a public badge of their profession, Tullia appealed to the Duchess, a Spanish lady of high character, and received permission to dispense with this badge on account of her "rara scienzia di poesia et filosofia." She dedicated her Rime to the Duchess.

She admired the acumen that had seized the perfect opportunity to thank her for the violets, the badge of the Great Emperor. "My hives shall not be empty of bees or honey," she said, alluding to the imperial bees, and she touched his arm in a pretty, gracious fashion. "Madame ah, madame!" he replied, and his eyes grew moist. She bade the servant admit Lagroin and Parpon.

The tri-coloured cockades, which had been concealed in the hollow of a drum, were eagerly distributed by Labedoyere among them, and they threw away the white cockade as a badge of their nation's dishonour. The peasantry of Dauphiny, the cradle of the Revolution, lined the roadside: they were transported and mad with joy.

I said nothing because I knew you were after the Eagle badge with both hands and feet, but now you see you have tired of that right on the threshold of victory. You can't blame the boys, Hervey, now can you?" "Tracks are not so easy to find," Hervey said, somewhat subdued. "They are certainly not easy to find if you don't look for them," Mr. Warren retorted, not unpleasantly.

"Well, I guess I'm not much good on reasons. I'd never win the reason badge, hey?" "Do you know who is the smartest fellow in this camp?" Skinny asked, jumping from one thing to another in his erratic fashion. "Tom Slade. He knows everything. I like him but I like you better. He promised to clap when I go on the platform, too. Will you ask your troop to clap?"

No I shall be soon wearing the garb of degradation, and the badge and brand of infamy at P.A., which is, being interpreted, Port Arthur, the 'Villain's Home'." "Poor fellow!" said Sylvia. "Touching, is it not?" assented Meekin, continuing "'I am, with heartrending sorrow and anguish of soul, ranged and mingled with the Outcasts of Society.

In his extremity he was ready to risk making a bid for the hire of a blacksmith's aid to rid himself of his bonds, but not a blacksmith who wore a deputy sheriff's badge pinned to his suspenders. He caught himself scraping his wrists up and down again against the rough, scrofulous trunk of a shellbark hickory. The irritation was comforting to the swollen skin.

Just before leaving camp for the campaign just closed, General Hooker had issued an order assigning to each corps and division its badge, which was to be worn by every officer and soldier connected with either of the corps. The men of the Sixth corps now regarded their cross with greater pride than had ever ancient knight looked upon the heraldry which emblazoned his arms.

A raised gallery looked down into the spacious inclosure in which Count William kept the living specimens of his own princely badge of the lion. And here the company gathered to see the sport. With the gray gabardine drawn but loosely over his silken suit, so that he might, if need be, easily slip from it, Otto von Arkell boldly entered the inclosure.

Then should he have a free gift of my bauble," responded the jester, shaking on high that badge, surmounted with the golden head of an ass, and jingling with bells. "How now, friend Wrymouth? 'Tis long since thou wert here! This house hath well- nigh been forced to its ghostly weapons for lack of thy substantial ones. Where hast thou been?" "At Salisbury, good Merryman."