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In contrast with the foregoing measures for preventing the growth of these bacilli is the striking fact that they are readily killed by drying. This fact is proved by merely drying a small drop of material containing the bacilli on a cover-glass, and then placing this over some of the fluid on a glass slide.

Beautiful carpets are not beautiful to the mind that knows they are filled with germs and bacilli. They are no more beautiful than the hectic flush of fever, or the silvery skin of leprosy. Besides, carpets enslave. A thing that enslaves is a monster, and monsters are not beautiful. The fireplaces in my house will be many and large.

Many of our earlier statements as to the presence of tubercle bacilli in milk and butter are now invalidated on this account. Not only are the three varieties of tubercle bacilli probably of common origin, but they may, under certain peculiar conditions, be transformed into one another, or, at least, enabled to live under the conditions favorable to one another.

Growing Bulgarian bacilli to make fermented milk that would keep us all perennially amiable while we grew to be octogenarians, was one thing, but when the company, lured by the oratory of a cheese expert, were beguiled into making cream cheese just the sort of cheese that Lucullus and Ponce de Leon both wanted but did not find our troubles began.

Common salt was added to the extent of 2 per cent. without influencing the growth of the bacilli. Sulphate of iron, in the proportion of 2 per cent., checks this growth, probably by precipitating albumimites from the fluids, and possibly also by its acid reaction; certainly it does not seem to have any specific disinfecting action i.e., in destroying the bacilli.

#Changes in the Tissues following upon the successful Lodgment of Tubercle Bacilli.# The action of the bacilli on the tissues results in the formation of granulation tissue comprising characteristic tissue elements and with a marked tendency to undergo caseation.

Calves allowed to nurse a tubercular mother that is giving off tubercle bacilli frequently develop enlarged throat glands and the intestinal form of the disease. Hogs develop a generalized form of tuberculosis more quickly than cattle, but an unthrifty, emaciated condition is seldom noted in hogs under ten months old.

If, when it had recovered, it was again infected, it would stand a much larger dose of the bacilli without harm. Then came the idea that if they could only get enough of this antitoxin, and inject it into the blood of a child who had diphtheria, it might cure the disease.

"Confound you, Kennedy, do you want to ruin these films!" I cried. He shut the door with a bang. "Hurrah, Walter!" he exclaimed. "I think I have it, at last. I have just found some most promising colonies of the bacilli on one of my slides." I almost dropped the pan of acid I was holding, in my excitement. "Well," I said, concealing my own surprise, "I've found out something, too.

In their struggle with the tissues, tubercle bacilli receive considerable support and assistance from any pyogenic organisms that may be present.