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In this attempt he was, however, foiled by the agility of the carpenter, who managed to retreat to the door, against which he placed his back, kicking the boards vigorously with his heel. "Joan! Joan!" vociferated he, "open the door, for God's sake, or I shall be murdered, and so will your babby! Open the door quickly, I say."

"You was present in that hospital, ma'am, was you not, one dark November morning, when a porter-cask was left at the door by some person unknown, who cut his cable and cleared off before the door was opened, which cask, havin' on its head two X's, and bein' labelled, `This side up, with care, contained two healthy little babby boys?"

I couldn't see one on 'em rough used a purpose not fur the whole wureld. There's a babby fur you, in the form of a great Sea Porkypine! said Mr. Peggotty, relieving his earnestness with a roar of laughter. Peggotty and I both laughed, but not so loud. 'It's my opinion, you see, said Mr.

But them tall liars wasn't content with statin' truths, day after day, when the sea lay smilin' like a babby; they handed down a bigger whopper than what they did when they fust saw the water. 'Nearer! nearer! it's comin', that's what they said, mingled 'long with powerful yarns as to how the monster looked!

It were little enough we had left, our dinner the day afore had ta'en so much. I didn't know what our reckoning would be for that night lodging, and supper, and breakfast. Doing a sum always sent me asleep ever sin' I were a lad; so I fell sound in a short time, and were only wakened by chambermaid tapping at th' door, to say she'd dress the babby before her missis were up if we liked.

"Ay," observed Jim Slagg, who with the others had witnessed this meeting with deep interest, "an' the babby has kep' the lighten' goin' ever since, though he's dropped the thunder, for he's an electrician no less a manufacturer of lightnin' an' a director of it too."

I'll lay the babby down some'ers and go right up; he's sound fur an hour or two, I hope. You're coming, Rache?" "Yes, in a minute," for Joyce had stepped towards her with outstretched hand, partly barring her way. "My name is Lavillotte," she said, "and I have seen you several times.

"Through th' storm there was a babby cryin'. 'Twas a little wan, no more thin a year ol'; an' 'twas owned be a Tipp'rary man who come fr'm near Clonmel, a poor, weak, scarey-lookin' little divvle that lost his wife, an' see th' bailiff walk off with th' cow, an' thin see him come back again with th' process servers. An' so he was comin' over with th' babby, an' bein' mother an' father to it.

"Ally," began the seaman, making a stopper of the end of his little finger "by the way, you ain't related, are you, to the famous Ally Babby as was capting of the forty thieves?" "No, nuffin ob de sort," replied Ali, shaking his head. "Well, no matter, you deserve to be; but that's neither here nor there.

'He and many another, all Hamper's men, and many a one besides. Th' women are as bad as th' men, in their savageness, this time. Food is high, and they mun have food for their childer, I reckon. Suppose Thorntons sent 'em their dinner out, th' same money, spent on potatoes and meal, would keep many a crying babby quiet, and hush up its mother's heart for a bit! 'Don't speak so! said Margaret.