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The hangings were overhung by pictures yet more costly. Divans of carved amber covered with ermine went round the room, and in the midst was a fountain, pattering and babbling with jets of double-distilled otto of roses. "Pipes, Goliath!" We are quieter here than in the front of the house, and I wanted to show you a picture. I'm proud of my pictures.

The legend says that a certain gallant and amorous knight of yore, having become old and crippled with rheumatism, and unable any longer to make a brave show in tournaments under fair ladies' eyes, determined to retire from the world, and to leave his horse faithful companion of many jousts in a certain green meadow traversed by a babbling brook, where he could end his days in peace.

Sorrow there was, it is true, but only a mellow phase of it, a vague uncertainty and wonder, which would sometimes cause her eyes to fill with tears. You have heard the wood-dove calling in the lone stillness of the summertime; you have found the unheeded brooklet singing and babbling where no ear comes to hear.

'That babbling tongue is now forever hushed, thought I; and then, as a sudden strange thought struck me, I added 'and that tongue shall be my passport to a bliss more exquisite than the joys of Paradise. With an untrembling hand I cut off the dead man's tongue, secured it about me, and having hid the body behind a row of wine casks, left the cellar, securely locked the door, and then went about my usual avocations, resolving to dispose of the corpse that night in some manner that should avert suspicion from me, for I had every confidence in my own ingenuity.

It is interesting to think of this stern and often savage genius, who loved to hate, and whose hate was almost less terrible than his love, babbling and prattling in little half caressing sentences, as a mother might babble over her first child. Pedantic writers have professed to find in Swift's use of this "little language" the coming shadow of that insanity which struck him down in his old age.

Above the dam the brook flowed through the forest, a glistening and babbling water-path, illuminated by the sun, which sent its rays almost straight along its course. It was as lovely and wild and peaceful as it could possibly have been a hundred years ago; and the traces of labors of men long departed added a deeper peace to it.

"Her brain wanders," said the doctor, in a low, pitying voice; "it will soon be over." Stella did not hear him; she turned and nestled in my arms, asking in a sort of babbling whisper: "You did not go away because I was naughty, did you, papa?" "No darling!" I answered, hiding my face in her curls.

'I have never named it to either my brother or your cousin, said Mr. Lennox, with a little professional dryness of implied reproach. 'Never mind, Margaret. I am not living in a talking, babbling world, nor yet among people who are trying to worm facts out of me; you needn't look so frightened because you have let the cat out of the bag to a faithful old hermit like me.

After a few moments Pharaoh Daggs thrust his scarred face out of the companion, and with a fierce roar of laughter waved a black bottle above his head. The others followed, drinking and babbling curses, and last of all Stede Bonnet, pale, dishevelled, mad with blood and liquor, stood bareheaded by the hatch. He raised his hand in a gesture of silence and all the hubbub ceased.

He told her of his hero, the great Agassiz, of his mother, of whom even yet he could not speak without a break in his voice, and of his father, as he remembered him, harsh, silent, interested only in his cattle. It dawned upon Bruce suddenly that he had been talking about himself babbling for nearly an hour.