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If we didn't pay any attention to it, they would think that neither of us was on the look-out, and they would send some others down to scalp us." "Be the powers, me laddy, I b'lave ye are right!" exclaimed Mickey, admiringly. "That's just the plan of the spalpeens, by which towken, I'll tip him a shot." With this he raised his rifle, and, sighting rather carelessly, fired.

Mr Button rested on his oars. "Divil mend them I b'lave that was the long-boat shoutin'." He took to his oars again and pulled vigorously. "Paddy," came Dick's small voice, apparently from nowhere, "where are we now?" "Sure, we're in a fog; where else would we be? Don't you be affeared." "I ain't affeared, but Em's shivering."

Now, you may b'lave me or b'lave me not, but me own ould father God rest his sowl! was comin' over Croagh Patrick one night before Christmas with a bottle of whisky in one hand of him, and a goose, plucked an' claned an' all, in the other, which same he'd won in a lottery, when, hearin' a tchune no louder than the buzzin' of a bee, over a furze-bush he peeps, and there, round a big white stone, the Good People were dancing in a ring hand in hand, an' kickin' their heels, an' the eyes of them glowin' like the eyes of moths; and a chap on the stone, no bigger than the joint of your thumb, playin' to thim on a bagpipes.

"It was like a little man no bigger than a big forked radish, an' as green as a cabbidge. Me a'nt had one in her house down in Connaught in the ould days. O musha! musha! the ould days, the ould days! Now, you may b'lave me or b'lave me not, but you could have put him in your pocket, and the grass-green head of him wouldn't more than'v stuck out.

Ef I didn't b'lave ye ter be ez true ez steel ye shouldn't tech hit, fur hit b'longed ter the truest man in this livin' world." "Hit wuz her husband's," explained Fortner, as her lips met firmly, as if choking down bitter memories. "I'm givin' hit ter ye ter use ez he'd a-used hit ef he war a-livin'," she said, steadying her tones with a perceptible effort.

Phil, begorra, I b'lave that cussed Redskin is in this town fur trouble, an' you jist remember he'll git it one av these toimes. He ain't natural Injun. Uncle Cam is right. He's not like them Osages that comes here annuity days. All that's Osage about him is his clothes." While we were talking, Jean Pahusca came silently into the company and sat down under the oak tree shading the walk.

Have you the receipted bills for the fodder during the last six months?" "Yes, sor. The master always sent me wid the money to pay the bills." "You have got the receipts?" "The which, sor?" "The bills receipted." "Bills, sure, what's the good of keepin' bills, sor, when the money's paid. I b'lave they're somewhere in an ould crock in the stable, at laste that's where I saw thim last."

The filing of this claim ain't the only thing that takes him to Dawson City." "What do you think of the deposit here?" "I b'lave it's one of the richest finds in the Kloondike counthry, and if it turns out as it promises, we shall go home and live like gintlemen the rist of our lives." Tim McCabe and the boys wrought steadily through the rest of the day and the following two days.

She said the world was getting too something or another, an' then the other lady said it was, and asked Mrs James did she see Mrs Someone in the awful hat she wore Thanksgiving Day. They didn't say anything more about fairies, but Mrs James " "Whether you b'lave in them or not," said Paddy, "there they are.

You shall die a hundred deaths, and the Great Spirit of the Arapahoes will smile at the sacrifice!" "Be Jaysis, cyaptin!" cried O'Tigg, who, not understanding Spanish, was ignorant of what had been said, "that ugly owld Indyan wants a bit ov cowld lid through him. In troth, I b'lave the musket moight raich him.