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"Well, come, b'y, an' we'll ha' supper an' bide here th' night an' in th' mornin' you'll get your fit out," said Douglas when they had pulled the punt up well away from the tide. Entering the kitchen they found the others still at table. Greetings were exchanged, and a place was made for Douglas and Bob.

"'An' why not? says I. "'For a jail-bird? says he. "'Deed, says I, 'if yer own b'y had been breakin' stones wid a gang of toughs for sivin long years gone, wouldn't ye be after likin' a man to spake wan daycint word wid him? says I. "Wid that Jim turned on quick-like an' says: "'I'll thank ye, Mrs. McCann, to kape yer advice to yerself.

The old man sat erect and stared into the face of his guest, whose eyes had narrowed and whose lips had curved into an icy smile. "First, I'll give him the damnedest licking with my two fists that he ever got in his life; then I'll turn him over to the authorities." Daddy Dunnigan leaned forward and, laying a gnarled hand upon his shoulder, shook him roughly in his excitement: "Yer name, b'y?

I'd have no pride left in me if I could think I had a pretindin' b'y about the house. And now, Moike, I'll teach you to cook. It's my belafe you can larn it. Why, Pat didn't know nothin' about it when he begun, and now he can cook meat and potatoes and such better as many a doless girl I've seen. You think Pat's cookin' tastes pretty good, don't you, Moike?"

Allis saw that Gaynor was indeed angry. "I'll speak to father about him, Mike," she answered; "I won't have the horses abused." "Mark my words, Miss Allis, Diablo'll take it out of his hide some day. The b'y'll monkey wit' him once too often, then there'll be no b'y left." "May we see the horses, Mike are they having their lie-down, or anything?"

"I don't want to be helpin'. I want to be doin' mesilf," objected Jim. "And what will you be doin'?" asked the widow. "You're full short for spreadin' bedclothes, for though nine years makes a b'y plinty big enough for some things, it laves him a bit small for others. You can't be cookin' yet, nor sweepin', nor even loightin' fires. But you shall be doin', since doin's what you want.

Up wid ye, b'y, and not be wastin' me time stramashin' after a spalpeen that I'd like to lay me whip over," said Pat, gruffly, as Ben came along, having left the barrow in the shed. "Don't you wish you could? You needn't wait for me; I'll come when I'm ready," answered Ben dodging round the chaise, bound not to mind Pat, if he spent the night by the road-side in consequence.

Bernard Moore Barney, for short was to be a physician, and had already passed an apprenticeship in a pharmacy, coincident with his college term in Jack's class. "By the powers of mud and blood, Nick, dear, I have it!" "Have what, Barney, me b'y?" Nick asked, mimicking Barney's quaintly displaced vowels. "Why, the way to get rid of Old Schnapps and Blitzen more power to me!"

"Ah! but you ain't," retorted old Amos, "you 'm a old, old man an' gettin' older wi' every tick o' the clock, you be, an' gettin' mazed-like wi' years." "Haw! haw!" laughed Job and the five or six others. "Oh, you Job! if my b'y Simon was 'ere 'e'd pitch 'ee out into the road, so 'e would same as Black Jarge done," quavered the Ancient.

What I want to tell yer quiet and friendly, old pal, is that yer drawfted out all the way out for good." "'Sh-did ye think I wasn't knowin' it, me b'y?" Macnamara's face clouded. "Did ye think I wasn't knowin' it? Go an' lave me alone," he added quickly. Henry Withers went out pondering, for he was sure it was not mere dying that fretted Macnamara. The next day the end of it all came.