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It came upon us almost with the darkness of night; the trees, which were close at hand, were completely shrouded by the roaring torrents of rain. We were sitting in the tent, when Delorier, with his broad felt hat hanging about his ears, and his shoulders glistening with rain, thrust in his head. "Voulez-vous du souper, tout de suite? I can make a fire, sous la charette I b'lieve so I try."

'tis the same with all the men, I b'lieve tickle their eye and good-bye to their judgment." And giving the outer gate a shake to assure herself that it could not be opened without a preparatory warning to those within, Mrs. Tucker turned away and out into the road.

A shape moved out of the gloom ahead, passed to the left, lofty and silent, and merged once more with the gloom behind a barge at anchor, with the sea-grass clinging around her water-line. "Funny about that other chap," the old fellow speculated. "Björnsen I b'lieve he called 'im. Now that story sounds to me kind of " He feathered his oars with a suspicious jerk and peered at me.

It was almost magical. It was as though his previous expression had been nothing but acting and his fresh attitude the result of studied preparation. "Well, Zip," he said seriously, almost dejectedly, "if you put it that way, I sure got to b'lieve you. But it's queer. It sure is. There's folks ready to swear ther's rich gold on your claim, an' I'll tell you right here I come along to git in on it.

"We've never been into that cave, Cap'n," she remarked, looking at the small hole in the cliff an archway through which the water flowed. "Let's go in now." "What for, Trot?" "To see if there's a giant there." "Hm. Aren't you 'fraid?" "No, are you? I just don't b'lieve it's big enough for a giant to get into."

"I don't b'lieve he's hurt it, Mamsie," said Polly, running up to examine the kettle closely; "he couldn't, could he? it's all iron." "No, I don't suppose he could really hurt it any," said Mrs. Pepper, "but he oughtn't to drag it along and bump it. Things that don't belong to us should be handled extra carefully.

Oh, if we had now the five hundre good pounds that we spent upon our farm spent, as it turned out, not for ourselves, but to enable that ould villain of a landlord to set it to Darby Skinadre; for I b'lieve it's he that's to get it, with strong inthrest goin' into his pocket for all our improvements; if we had now," he continued, his passion rising, "if we had that five hundre pounds now, or one hundre, or one pound, great God! ay, or one shillin' now, wouldn't it save some of you from starving"

Evelina was listening with absorbed attention. In the narrow lives of the two sisters such an episode was not to be under-rated. "What you say his name was?" she asked as Ann Eliza paused. "Herman Ramy." "How old is he?" "Well, I couldn't exactly tell you, he looked so sick but I don't b'lieve he's much over forty."

And if yo' cud stay and marry me and civilize me, I'd try to brush up and be a decenter man than I ever war; leastways, I'd clar ev'ry rock and thorn outer yer path. "Do yo' b'lieve it, Jim, I wus perspirin' wus'n ther buckskin stallion did when yo'got thro' with him that fust mornin', and was tremblin' like a sick gal.

Dancin'! I've got an old hen, a'most ten years old I've been a-keepin' her to see how long a hen would live an' if that hen can't take more honest dancin' steps than the hull posse of them hourys, as they call 'em. All the dancin' they know they'd 'a' learnt from snakes and eels, an' sich like wrigglin' things. Pshaw! I don't b'lieve that ole monkey's goin' to show hisself to-day, humbly thing!