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I don't know any man whom I like so much, or at any rate better, than Captain Aylmer; but I hate the idea that no girl can become acquainted with an unmarried man without having her name mentioned with his, and having to hear ill-natured remarks of that kind. 'I hope you will learn to like this other man much better. Think how nice it will be to be mistress of the old place after all.

The dressing took place in one immense room where the girls were afterwards to sleep, and the assistants at the dressing were no less people than Miss Helen Dartmoor, Mrs. Aylmer the great, and Mrs. Aylmer the less. Mrs. Aylmer the great and Mrs. Aylmer the less fussed round Florence, fussed round her to such an extraordinary degree that she felt a mad desire to thrust them both out of the room.

Downstairs Bertha slowly unfastened the little parcel and looked at the five ten-pound notes which were rolled up within. "After all, it's just as well that I should have this money by me as that I should give it to Florence Aylmer," she said to herself. "I must think of some other way to tempt her, and the money will be useful. I shall put it back into the post-office and wait awhile.

Aylmer; "I greatly admire genius. You can go, Florence; I'll speak to your mother." "I think you had better come too, Mummy," said Florence; "surely it is not necessary for you to remain." But Mrs. Aylmer glanced at her sister-in-law and then at Florence, and decided to remain.

It was a week afterwards when Kitty stood at the gate of Cherry Court School to wish Florence Aylmer good-bye, for Florence had obtained the darling wish of her heart, and was on her way to Dawlish to spend a week with her mother.

She of course was obliged to ask him to stay at the house at the house which was in fact his own; but he declined to do this, blurting out his reason at last very plainly. 'Captain Aylmer would not like it, and I suppose you are bound to think of what he likes and dislikes. 'I don't know what right Captain Aylmer would have to dislike any such thing, said Clara.

However, she nodded in return, as if she fully comprehended, and then ran up to her room, put on her hat, and, too impatient to wait while the servant called a cab, walked as quickly as possible until she met one near the top of Sloane Street. It was already very dark. 'Twenty-seven Jermyn Street, said Edith as she jumped in. Ten minutes later she was sitting next to Aylmer.

She was intensely fond of money, but she knew that the time had come when it might be necessary to sacrifice some of her savings. Presently she gave a well-assumed start; said: "Hullo, Flo, is that you?" and went to meet Florence Aylmer. Florence's face was quite pale, and her eyes were red as if she had been crying. "Goodness!" said Bertha; "what does this mean?

The two other successful competitors were Florence Aylmer and Mary Bateman. Mrs.

What talking could possibly be of service to such a one as this Miss Amedroz? Why should she throw her pearls before swine? 'We must either ask her to come here, or else I must go to her, said Captain Aylmer. 'I don't see that at all, Frederic. 'I think it must be so.