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Let us find that back door, and some of us may quietly enter there while the others are parleying at the front. Once within the walls, the fire-sticks should quickly clear the house for us." "Ay, man," broke in Oxenford, impatiently, "but all this is words, not deeds. What can we do so that Dom Gillian hangs from his own door-post before a second rising of the sun?"

And then, if one of the gentlemen lost a fish with their clumsiness Oh, Father! to hear 'em let out at me and my landing-net, and curse fit to fright the devil! Dash their sarcy tongues! Eh! Don't old Harry know their ways? Don't he know 'em, now? 'Ay, said the young man, bitterly.

"Much good that will be!" replied the lady, with ill concealed scorn. "Ye think he wadna unnerstan' 't; but he unnerstan's wonnerfu'." "And you would come again, and tell me what he said? she murmured, with the eager persuasiveness of reviving hope. "Maybe ay, maybe no I winna promise. Hae ye ony answer to sen' back to my lord's letter, mem?" "No; I cannot write; I cannot even think.

Feeling, however, that he was being slowly yet surely overtaken, the boy doubled like a hare and made for a ridge that lay on his left. By that time the chase was in full view of the two men in camp, who rose and craned their necks in some excitement to watch it. "He's after something," said the captain. "A boy!" said Maikar. "Ay, and running him down, hand over hand."

'Ay, ay poor Charles poor Nutter. Are you going to the inquest? said Gamble; and, on a sudden, stopped short, with a look of great fear, and a little beckon of his hand forward, as if he had seen something.

"Can I?" replied Avice, seating herself on the window-seat, and motioning her cousin to do the same. "And what shall I say it were call it light or darkness, love or hate? For six months after I left home I was right woesome. And I trusted him, for I loved him. Loved him ay, better than all the saints in Heaven! I could have died to save a pang of pain to him, and smiled in doing it.

Already a large number were near the summit threatening vengeance on the heads of all who opposed them, when there suddenly arose a cry in their rear, of "the red-coats! the red-coats." "Ay, and the blue-jackets too!" shouted out a loud voice. "On lads, and drive the rascals into the sea."

"Ah, I remember a laddie who was always singing. That was ten years ago. It was you, no doubt?" "Ay, Mr. Starr, but in changing my trade, I haven't changed my disposition. It's far better to laugh and sing than to cry and whine!" "You're right there, Jack Ryan. And what do you do now, as you have left the mine?" "I am working on the Melrose farm, forty miles from here.

"I want to know," said I, "and particularly, Herbert, whether he told you when this happened?" "Particularly? Let me remember, then, what he said as to that. His expression was, 'a round score o' year ago, and a'most directly after I took up wi' Compeyson. How old were you when you came upon him in the little churchyard?" "I think in my seventh year." "Ay.

"Here we've bin a-lookin' for you for a matter of four hours; just hangin' about in the fog, we was, and shoutin' every now and then on the off chance of your hearin' us. I ne'er thought we'd find you safe and sound, I didn't. Bin up the rock, you say? Ay, them rocks is never covered. If I'd only knowed you was there! We'd a' seen you long since, if it hadn't a' bin for the fog."