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Finally she partly undressed, and throwing on a kimono settled herself comfortably upon her cot, to await the uncertain storm, ready to shut the windows in case of driving rain. By and by fitful breezes fluttered through the room, the low rumbling of thunder was heard, and presently a soft patter of drops on the leaves. The lightning grew brilliant. The nurse dreamed and waked by turns.

"On landing in New York, the girl went to a boarding-house in Greenwich street, there to await her brother's arrival it having been arranged that he should come to New York for her. It is not uncommon for English girls, of the class to which Mary belonged, to act as bar-maids in England, that being there a respectable employment.

Not content with utilising the natural arrangements they meet with, there are animals which construct genuine ambushes, acting thus like Man, who builds in the middle or on the edge of ponds, cabins in which to await wild ducks, or who digs in the path of a lion a hole covered with trunks of trees, at the bottom of which he may kill the beast without danger.

The audience had taken their seats, the orchestra ceased tuning their instruments, the singers were in readiness, and the committee of arrangements had gone down to the street-door to await Haydn's arrival. The door of the imperial box opened at this moment, and the emperor and empress entered, followed by the archdukes and their suites.

After this, I would not return to my own home, but retired to another place, to await one of my relations whom I had left in charge of my estate.

Egremont, rising to take leave. The carriage had been bidden to await them at the door for their daily drive, and as Mr. Egremont leant back with the furs disposed over him he observed: 'That's a man who knows how to take care of himself. I wonder where he gets his coffee, I've not drunk any like it since I was at Nice. And Nuttie, though well knowing that Mr.

This will be an eternal and blessed outcome of the glorious twentieth century which will be realized universally. Await ye this consummation. 20 May 1912 Talk at Woman’s Suffrage Meeting Metropolitan Temple Seventh Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York Today questions of the utmost importance are facing humanity, questions peculiar to this radiant century.

Having submitted these considerations, it belongs to Congress to decide whether after what has taken place it will still await the further action of the French Chambers or now adopt such provisional measures as it may deem necessary and best adapted to protect the rights and maintain the honor of the country.

And as they looked northward they saw the pack opening again: as it issued from under the lee, a black cloud of smoke rose from the sealer's funnel, but instead of steering east or west, she was evidently heading for the great berg. "Shall we await them here, or take our boat and try to reach them, Regnar?" asked La Salle.

There was nothing to be done but patiently to await the pleasure of the elements, and "whistle for a wind," the usual practice of seamen in a calm. No fire was allowed, except for the indispensable purpose of cooking, and heating bottles of water to toast Selvagee's feet. He who possessed the largest stock of vitality, stood the best chance to escape freezing. It was horrifying.