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Let us hear the London Times: "It appears from the report of the proceedings at Marlborough Street Police Court in our columns of yesterday, that there is an average number of 50 human beings of all ages, who huddle together in the parks every night, having no other shelter than what is supplied by the trees and a few hollows of the embankment.

"You had to be a good fellow, eh?" "Sure, I am only going through this world once, so I have had a good time as I've gone along." "You couldn't have put in two or three nights a week studying and still have had a good time?" "Oh, I might have, I s'pose, but I didn't have the money to buy books." "How much do you figure you spent, on an average, on those nights you were out with the boys?"

Many Desires are really compromises between two or more conflicting Desires a sort of average Desire, as it were. Unless one desires to change his character he will not make any move toward it. And in proportion to the strength of the desire, so will be the amount of will-power that is put in the task. The first thing for one to do in character building is to "want to do it."

Yet, if this young man had tremblingly confessed his love to a lady, he would have expected her to take it seriously. Nevertheless, let us not be too severe with him for laughing. It was what the average young man probably would have done under similar circumstances, and it was particularly stated at the outset that there was nothing at all extraordinary about Arthur Burton.

Glover raised his finger. "If you back off the ledge they will need a new general superintendent." "By midnight?" "I think so." "You can't get your rock in by that time?" "I reckon." "Agnew says it will take a hundred cars." "That's not far out of the way. On flat cars you won't average much over ten yards to the car, will you, Morris?"

The amount remains the same, and if we allow too little for the loss from the surface of table-lands we only increase the proportion of the loss sustained by the sides and bottoms of the valleys, and vice versa. In all these estimates it is assumed that the entire quantity of land above the sea-level remains on an average undiminished in spite of annual waste.

And what makes it odder still is that, after all, the average lettered man does not truly dislike poetry; he only dislikes it when it takes a certain form. He will read poetry and enjoy it, provided he is not aware that it is poetry. Poetry can exist authentically either in prose or in verse. Give him poetry concealed in prose and there is a chance that, taken off his guard, he will appreciate it.

In fact, when he asked his mother about his real father, she hid the truth that his father was a rogue perhaps to shield herself, for it is only a very great person who can tell the truth and led him to believe his paternal parent was a god, and his birth miraculous. Now, let such an idea get into the head of the average freshman and what will be the result?

Let us next count the number of stars visible in a powerful telescope in the region of the heavens around the galactic pole, now our zenith, and find the average number per square degree. This will be the richness of the region in stars.

I should say that, take them all round, they are a good average sample of apostle as apostles generally go. Two or three of them are nervously anxious to find appropriate quotations in books that lie open before them, which they are searching with eager haste; but I do not see one figure about which I should like to say positively that it is either good or bad.