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"'Very usual size, I call it, ses Bob Pretty; 'and them ducks and hins very usual-looking hins and ducks, I call 'em, except that they don't grow 'em so fat in these parts. It's a fine thing when a man's doing a honest bisness to 'ave these charges brought agin 'im. Dis'eartening, I call it.

"I daresay those fellows wish they had sunk the Vulcan when they had her," observed the American. "They needed 'er theirselves," explained the mate in a matter-of-fact way. "Those German cruisers 'ave captured a whole flotilla of prizes lately, and they needed th' tug to 'andle 'em for 'em." "And they didn't need the Minnie B?" "Oh, no, not at all." "Why didn't they sink her at once?"

I shall 'ave to do something there, but wot, I don't know. "He climbed on board like a man with a load on his mind, and arter a look at the sky went below and forgot both 'is troubles in sleep. "Mrs. Plimmer came down to the wharf every time the ship was up, arter that. Sometimes she'd spend the evening aboard, and sometimes they'd go off and spend it somewhere else.

The chauffeur got out and poked his head into the bonnet, performing mysterious rites, while Cecilia watched him, a little anxiously. Presently he came round to the door. "I'm awful sorry, miss," he said respectfully. "The old bus has broke down. I'm afraid I can't get another move out of 'er I'll 'ave to get 'er towed to a garage." "Oh!" said Cecilia, jumping out.

Often, when he thus gazed out on fine bright nights, when Venus gleamed golden and dreamy through the warm atmosphere, he forgot himself, and then, like a soft song, would fall from his lips the Ave maris Stella, that tender hymn which set before his eyes a distant azure land, and a tranquil sea, scarce wrinkled by a caressing quiver, and illuminated by a smiling star, a very sun in size.

"Then I thought we might lose 'im and I would 'ave a little chat with the gal, and show 'er 'ow foolish she was." "Well, you've done it now," ses Sam. "Spoilt our evening." "P'r'aps good will come out of it," ses Ginger. "If the old lady takes a fancy to us we shall be able to come agin, and then to please you, Sam, I'll have a go to cut your nevy out."

"You wouldn't 'ave a secret from your old pal Ginger, Sam, would you?" ses Ginger. "Old wot?" ses Sam. "Wot did you call me this arternoon?" "I called you a lot o' things I'm sorry for," ses Ginger, who was bursting with curiosity, "and I beg your pardin, Sam." "Shake 'ands on it," ses Peter, who was nearly as curious as Ginger.

And thus they continue to amuse themselves till the sun has set, and the first sound of the bells of Ave Maria is heard from the churches; and then they wind their way homewards. We pass out from the Piazza through the Porta del Popolo, the only way by which strangers used to approach Rome from the north.

Ginger said it was fair highway robbery, and tried to persuade Sam to go to a 'orsepittle, where he'd 'ave lovely nurses to wait on 'im hand and foot, and wouldn't keep 'is best friends awake of a night making 'orrible noises.

So there's six against six, as you may say; only there's this difference between us: Turnbull 'ave got two revolvers, one what 'e found in the skipper's cabin, and one what 'e took from the mate, while the four A.B.s 'as their knives; whereas we 'aven't nothin', they 'avin' took our knives and everything away from us."