United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

My brother has a wife and two little children, and she'll be scared to death if Bill is injured." "Then go right along. Only see to it that the car is in good working order," answered Dick. And then he followed the chauffeur to the shed where the automobile was stored, and had the peculiar working of that make of car explained to him.

Unless we landed, and the machine became an automobile, must I not abandon all hope of escape? Moreover why should I not admit it? to escape without having learned anything of the "Terror's" secrets would not have contented me at all.

Like a wounded beast I slunk away to find my sister, knowing she would try to comfort me. She was dead. Her daughter Myrtle, whom I had never seen, had been killed in an automobile accident. That is what her aunt, a terrible woman named Martha Dean, told me, although now I know it was a lie, told to cover her own baseness in sending an unprotected child to the far West to seek an unknown uncle.

We would have suffered much loss of "face" had we come in any lesser vehicle than an automobile, for we were to be received by a "Royal Highness," an Imperial Duke and a man in whose veins flowed the bluest of Manchu blood. Although living in retirement, Duke Tsai Tse is still a powerful and a respected man.

He turned, and the five people in the room saw that his face was glowing with the fire of action. "You can defer that change of suits, Mr. Curtis. We must be off at once. . . . Mr. Devar, have you an automobile? Can you get hold of it now? Well, 'phone your chauffeur to be at Centre-street headquarters in as much under half-an-hour as he can manage.

William Bunny went out on the porch to smoke a cigar and read the Rabbitville "Gazette" until after supper time. And while he was reading Mrs. Bunny looked over his shoulder and read: "Wanted, a secondhand automobile in good condition." "Ring up your Uncle Lucky on the telephone," she called to Billy Bunny. "Here's a chance for him to sell his Luckymobile."

After being entertained at early lunch in the correct hotel for this kind of thing, I was taken, in a state of great excitement, by a group of excited business men, and flashed through Central Park in an express automobile to one of the great championship games. I noted the excellent arrangements for dealing with feverish multitudes.

"This is mighty bad," was Sam's comment. "Why, Tom, this is positively dangerous. If anybody should come along here " "Hark!" Tom put up his hand, and both boys listened. From the top of the hill they had left but a moment before, came the sounds of an approaching automobile. An instant later the rays of the headlights shot into view, almost blinding them.

We must not go very far away, for we have yet to call at the Ministry, when His Excellency returns." "To-night?" "This morning," gently corrected the priest. It was now well on toward one o'clock. The three men obeyed him. The ex-fireman got into the automobile, while Mark and Saunders walked with Father Murray a short distance off.

But this boy here is my friend, understand?" He held the prancing horse, which had been spattered with glancing lead, until Denver swung down out of the saddle; and then, while the crowd followed along at their heels, he led the way back to the store. "What's going on here?" demanded Denver, looking about at the automobile and the men who had popped up like magic, "has Murray made a strike?"