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He was already donning his automobile outfit. Sam followed suit, and both boys ran downstairs and to the garage. By the time they had the touring car ready, Songbird, Stanley, Spud, and several others had joined them. The word had been passed around that there was a fire at Hope, and permission to go to the conflagration was readily granted by the college management.

With a scarred face I begin to run for the beach so as to escape in my canoe, when I catch sight of a lobster right next to the Golondrina; but what a lobster I He must have been as big as a bear; he was black, and shiny, and went chug, chug, chug, like an automobile.

Possibly America, as a consequence of universal war, is advancing to a higher state of industrial organization; but an economic system is not entirely evil that produces such an industry as that which has made the automobile the servant of millions of Americans. "Traveling afoot" the very words start the imagination out upon the road!

It was shrewd of you to guess that a busy man on the staff of a newspaper would be glad to utilize an automobile placed unexpectedly at his disposal, and fate played into your hands by the delay in issuing the duplicate marriage license, which he had promised de Courtois to obtain from the City Hall." "Sir, I knew nothing of any marriage license." "Probably not.

Call out the figures to us, for we must keep our eyes on the valves." Slowly the speed indicator hand, which was like that of an automobile speedometer, swept over the dial. "Fifty miles a second," read off Mark. The two professors shoved the levers over still more. "Seventy-five," called Jack. "Give it a little more of the positive current," directed Mr. Roumann.

Added to these, it embraces a certain kind of profound knowledge the possession of which is always a source of pride to the owner. Let me explain this last. The engineer, being as he is a man who views things objectively, notes details in everything that comes under his eye, be it dwelling or automobile, or bookbinding or highway. The layman does not.

And then, sketching out plans with his former bold, optimistic confidence, "We're going to travel on the other side and travel in style, too, a big touring automobile. I guess you can show those foreign managers something new in the dancing line. How would you like to see your name all over London and Paris? The Black Pearl! Eh?" She slipped away from him and took a few buoyant dancing steps.

Half the old French theatre had been set aside as offices for the Automobile Service, and now the officers of the service, who had waited for them with curiosity, greeted them on the steps. "You must be tired, you must be hungry! Leave the ambulance where it is and come now, as you are, to dine with us!"

THE novice about to take his first trial trip in an automobile will soon learn that the great task in his mind is to properly start the machine. He is conscious of one thing, that it will be an easy matter to stop it by cutting off the fuel supply and applying the brakes. CERTAIN CONDITIONS IN FLYING. In an aeroplane conditions are reversed.

Gray cars are common enough in London, but they are usually of the touring class. Not often does one see a gray-painted landaulet; hence, the odd though hardly remarkable fact occurred to Theydon that a precisely similar gray automobile had occupied the center of the station yard at Waterloo when he took a taxi from the rank. Admittedly he was in a nervous and excited state.