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The percentage of overhead is only slightly higher than average. Until Ernol moved into the locality every one seemed contented with the regular arrangements." "What is his contention?" "The usual democratic nonsense. He claims that the commission is autocratic, down to its last deputy.

You look so far into the future you're always gumming up the present." He sighed. "Why, what do you think " Skinner began, but Cappy silenced him with an autocratic finger. "I do not think, Skinner, I know. Had it not been for your damnable cipher message, Murphy would have got your warning ashore instead of being forced to go back to the ship for it.

You must have confidence in my plans, my judgment. And you must be willing to obey. It is all very autocratic, I know, but the expedition cannot proceed on any other basis. "You are to go where I will, act as I command, and only regain your liberty when the undertaking is at an end. I shall not order any man to go anywhere, or do anything, that I would not do myself. On this you can rely.

For autocratic tempers are bland towards each other, and murderous characteristics can mutually impart something homologous to the refining interchange of beautiful souls. Therefore we do not yet know how much our climate is indebted to our doctors. It may be suspected that they understand each other, as the quack and the fool do, whose interests are identical.

Such designs can be successfully worked out only under cover and where no one has the right to ask questions." What hope was there of a steadfast concert of peace with an autocratic government which could not be trusted to keep faith within it or observe its covenants?

The result of it all was that poise and pride which had so greatly delighted the autocratic old kinswoman whose fiat had set the last seal of social success upon her. When one of life's little jokes flung Hunter into Appleboro and she had to observe him with impartial and less ingenuous eyes, she forgave the simple schoolgirl's natural mistake.

Head of the Army, head of the Navy, head of the Church, head of the State undisputed, autocratic head he is confronted at every turn by personal issues woven and intertwined with political questions.

The project also secured to the sovrans the heritage of their authority and guarded against civil wars. This assumed that the various existing constitutions were fundamentally just. The realisation of the scheme would have perpetuated all the evils of autocratic governments. Its author did not perceive that the radical evil in France was irresponsible power.

I suppose the Constitution had to come but surely autocracy is the only ideal Government and I am sorry that the nation was not equal to it." Here we see this very distinct adherence to the principles of the Russian government of the autocratic regime, the adherence to which seemed only natural and acceptable to Nelka in her idea of a patriotic Russian. St. Petersburg 1905.

This is a frequent cause of complaint even among those who wish to uphold the Autocratic Power. In their opinion law-respecting autocracy wielded by a strong Tsar is an excellent institution for Russia; it is arbitrary autocracy wielded by irresponsible ministers that they object to.