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The 'old school' stood aghast as the tide of 'German criticism' overflowed the old landmarks of thought; and when Tayler himself issued a work strongly adverse to the apostolic authorship of the Fourth Gospel distress was extreme.

Rather pleased with my production, I presented it the next day to the cardinal, modestly saying that I doubted whether he would accept the authorship of so ordinary a composition. He read the stanzas twice over without taste or expression, and said at last that they were indeed not much, but exactly what he wanted.

It is now unhesitatingly considered as a collection of popular traditions, produced by some credulous and unscrupulous monk, who thought to give dignity to his romance by ascribing its authorship to a well-known and eminent individual.

Dozens were soon flying with the torch: a new work immediately to be published from the pen of the Duchess of Stars! And the Princess who lends her title to the book is a living portrait of the Princess of Highest Eminence, the Hope of all Civilization. Speaking to editors, Redworth complimented them with friendly intimations of the real authorship of the remarkable work appearing.

One such scholar does not hesitate to say that, if the majority of modern experts are right as to the non-Davidic authorship, and he seems to think that they are, "our Lord's argument breaks down."

Next, supposing another has confided to you the secret of his authorship: there are persons who would have no scruple at all in giving a denial to impertinent questions asked them on the subject. He had an existing duty towards the author; he had none towards his inquirer. The author had a claim on him; an impertinent questioner had none at all.

Tilton was the first to announce a belief that the book was a hoax. I quote from his article: "Remaining a while on our table unread, our attention was specially called to it by noticing how savagely certain newspapers were abusing it." "The authorship of the pamphlet is a well-kept secret; at least it is unknown to us.

You might finish off, observed Jack, after a pause, 'by saying that "after this truly brilliant affair, Mr. 'Grub! said Sponge. 'No, no summut genteel his his his "splendid hospitality!" concluded Jack, waving his arm triumphantly over his head. 'Hard work, authorship! exclaimed Sponge, as he finished writing, and threw down the pen.

And, on the other hand, as though to strike a balance between fame and forgottenness, there are some widely popular noëls as "C'est le bon lever" of which the authorship absolutely is unknown; while there are still others as the charming "Wild Nightingale" which belong to no one author, but have been built up by unknown farm-house poets who have added fresh verses and so have passed on the amended song.

So with respect to the pseudo-Pauline epistles, Baur's work was done so thoroughly that the only question still left open for much discussion is that concerning the date and authorship of the first and second "Thessalonians," a point of quite inferior importance, so far as our present subject is concerned. Seldom have such vast results been achieved by the labour of a single scholar.