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Doubleday during this reading of the Mss. of 'Freckles' which is especially interesting." That more than 2,000,000 readers have found pleasure and profit in Mrs. Porter's books is a cause for particular gratification. These stories all have, as a fundamental reason of their existence, the author's great love of nature.

Many an idea has escaped while the author was dipping his pen in the inkstand. But with the stylographic pen, in the hands of one who knows how to care for it and how to use it, unbroken rhythms and harmonious cadences are the natural products of the unimpeded flow of the fluid which is the vehicle of the author's thoughts and fancies.

And all sorts of things that inevitably mar the tense illusion which is the aim of the short story the introduction, for example, of the author's personality any comment that seems to admit that, after all, fiction is fiction, a change in manner between part and part, burlesque, parody, invective, all such thing's are not necessarily wrong in the novel.

But the noble few who still can write about a book without falling into it, or criticize an author's style without dragging in his taste in summer resorts, are chiefly concerned with classifications. Is our author conservative or radical? Are his novels long or short skirted? Does he write for Harper's or The Dial?

But the author's effort to differentiate the female characters before the action begins, and to make a portion of the plot turn upon a psychological change in one of them shows that even sensation-loving readers were demanding a stricter veracity of treatment than had hitherto been necessary.

I do not wish to seem to run away, and, besides, I may be able to offer a suggestion now and then." "Oh, I didn't mean to have you miss the first night. You could come back for that. If you stay we will be glad of any suggestion at any time won't we, Hugh?" Hugh refused to be brought into any marked agreement. "Of course, the author's advice is valuable, but with a man like Olquest "

Educational and professional studies physical training and exercise in the art of speaking, are all of high importance; and it will be found that our author's advice on the subject is worth attending to. As for his formal and nominal studentship in the Inns of Court, that merely serves prescriptively to qualify him for his call to the bar.

The same may be said of a dispute on the respective merits of poetry and commerce, and of a poem in praise of poetry; although the former has an obvious relation to the author's own circumstances, and the latter appears to be inspired by genuine enthusiasm and love of art.

And now, in all the pomp and parade of authorship, it was sent into the world! /Now/, /now/, when it was like an indecent mockery of the Bed of Death a sacrilege, an impiety! There is a terrible disconnection between the author and the man -the author's life and the man's life the eras of visible triumph may be those of the most intolerable, though unrevealed and unconjectured anguish.

Occasionally the people are too eager to express the last shade of the author's meaning, as in the conversation between Neste and Vivarce, when the latter decides to commit suicide, or in the supplementary comments when the action is really at an end. But I have never seen a piece which seemed to have been written so kindly and so consistently for the benefit of the actors.