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It surpassed, to an almost extraordinary degree, any that had ever been held there. But the event upon which the village best loved to dwell was the entrance of Sylvia Cary, the loveliest vision it had ever beheld, on Austin Gray's arm, when all the other guests were already there, and everyone had despaired of their coming.

Ayrton read the letter as I did, and it was he, on the contrary, who wished to bring me to the Australian coast." "Ayrton!" cried Glenarvan. "Yes, Ayrton himself. He insisted it was a mistake: that you meant to order me to Twofold Bay." "Have you the letter still, Tom?" asked the Major, extremely interested in this mystery. "Yes, Mr. McNabbs," replied Austin. "I'll go and fetch it." V. IV Verne

Caxton, I should tell you that Lady Ellinor comes to town to-morrow on purpose to call on you. We shall be here some little time, Austin; and though London is so empty, there are still some persons of note to whom I should like to introduce you and yours " "Nay," said my father; "your world and my world are not the same.

I never for one moment suspected that she had that much sense!" "Are you two young idiots going out again this evening?" asked Uncle Mat as the three were eating their dessert, glancing from Sylvia's low-necked white gown to Austin's immaculate dress-suit. "No. This is entirely in each other's honor. But I hope you are, for I want to talk to Austin." "Good gracious!

Now, Austin was courteous to everyone; but to anybody he disliked his politeness was simply deadly. Of course he took no notice of the young parson's tacit insolence; he only longed, as fervently as he knew how to long, for an opportunity of being polite to him. And the occasion was soon forthcoming.

Keep up your spirits." "Now for it! life or death!" exclaimed Jack, assuming the gait of a female, and stepping towards the door. As Austin rose to execute his principal's commands, and usher the women to the gate, Mrs. Spurling and Marvel rose too.

It will ease my mind too, very much, to know that you are exposed to no danger while I am busy overhauling the ship. Here comes Mr. Skead, and we'll take his opinion. Ah! good Mr. Austin, you're a sair miss." This apostrophe to the memory of our kind good mate was heartily responded to by all.

Austin Dabney was always popular with those who knew of his services in the Revolutionary War. Governor Gilmer says that he was one of the best Chroniclers of the stirring events of that period. His memory was retentive, his understanding good, and he had a gift of description possessed by few. He moved to the land the State had given him, taking with him the family of the man who had nursed him.

Every domesticated boor in these hills can boast the same, yet marvels the hero at none of his visioned prodigies as he does when he comes to hear of this most common performance. A father? Richard fixed his eyes as if he were trying to make out the lineaments of his child. Telling Austin he would be back in a few minutes, he sallied into the air, and walked on and on.

To this spot Richard had retired, and there Austin found him with his head buried in his hands, a picture of desperation, whose last shift has been defeated. He allowed Austin to greet him and sit by him without lifting his head. Perhaps his eyes were not presentable. "Where's your friend?" Austin began. "Gone!" was the answer, sounding cavernous from behind hair and fingers.