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My aunts and uncles tried to make me marry against my will a chieftain named Gwawl, an auburn-haired youth, son of Clud, but, because of my love to thee, would I have no husband, and if you reject me, I will never marry any man." "As Heaven is my witness, were I to choose among all the damsels and ladies of the world, thee would I choose," cried Powell.

"Hush, Selina!" interposed Miss Leaf. "My dear boy, your old aunts would never let you inconvenience yourself for them. Take us to an inn for the night, and to morrow we will find lodgings for ourselves." Ascott looked greatly relieved.

Then she came to a book-case; and there the aunts had kindly placed the books of their own younger days, some of which she had never seen before. When she had once begun on the "Rival Crusoes," she gave Mrs. Lacy no more trouble, except to rouse her from it to drink her tea, and then go and be dressed.

I would not doubt; and indeed I did not doubt. But who can control the changing moods of the imagination? I think the consciousness that such a thing as his proving false was a possibility affected my treatment of my maiden aunts, and made me more gentle and considerate in regard to their foibles.

At four the abbé comes to me, and at five I have every day either my harpsichord-master or my singing-master till six. At half-past six I go almost every day to my aunts, except when I go out walking. And you must understand that when I go to visit my aunts, my husband almost always goes with me.

"As for my aunt, poor lady, she must think me the most extraordinary human being she has ever set eyes on. What puzzles me most is " "Wow! I know what aunts are capable of," broke in Devar rapidly, for he was doubtful now how his friend would regard the publicity he had not desired. "Mrs.

"But I'm afraid your aunts might make it a little uncomfortable for her, if she tried to alter anything. I go my own way now, and don't mind but a young bride does not always like to be found fault with. She might find that relations-in-law are sometimes a little trying." Lady Mary felt, as she spoke these words, that she was somehow opening a way for herself as well as for Peter.

Her father and mother were dead, and she had no uncles and no aunts and no little brothers or sisters. So the poor little daughter-in-law felt very sad and sat down and cried in a corner. Then she remembered that it was Nagpanchmi Day, and that it was a festival in honour of Nagoba, the great snake-king.

And it was also known that every halfpenny was going to give a big surprise to Bulldog, so the boys, during those weeks treated their fathers with obsequious respect for commercial reasons, and coaxed additional pennies out of their mothers on every false pretence, and paid endearing visits to maiden aunts, and passed Mrs.

She saw it as her mission, and on the way home she told herself that her silence was not that of anger but of dedication. She thought Aunt Rose looked at her rather curiously, though there was no expression so definite in that glance. Her aunts did not ask questions, they never interfered, and if Henrietta chose to be silent it was her own affair.