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Now he lords it in the village dwellings, where he is considered as a far-traveled man who can relate marvelous tales of great adventures to breathless audiences. Daddy, of course, directed that every one should be made welcome on board.

Miss Blackadder hurled her personality at the heads of audiences in the certainty that it would hit them hard. That was what she was there for. She knew that the Women's Franchise union relied on her to wring from herself the utmost spectacular effect. And she did it every time. She never once missed fire.

New constitutions were adopted in France, Switzerland, Prussia, and Austria. Reactions in favor of autocracy in Austria and Germany sent multitudes of lovers of liberty to America. Kossuth, the Hungarian revolutionist, electrified American audiences by his appeals on behalf of the downtrodden in Europe. Already the world was growing smaller.

But Douglas was further embarrassed by the necessity of avoiding offense to the slave holding States of the South. He was a candidate not only for the Senate, but also for the Presidency. Chicago, Ill., July 24, 1858. "Hon. S. A. Douglas: "My dear Sir: Will it be agreeable to you to make an arrangement for you and myself to divide time and address the same audiences the present canvass? Mr.

Consequently I manufactured a large variety of comical descriptive talk on all lines of goods we handled, besides an endless variety of funny sayings and jokes with which to hold and entertain my audiences. By reading a good deal and carefully listening to every thing that was said in my presence I was constantly catching on to something new which I combined with something original.

With infinite understanding and intense faith in her mission, she was as one inspired. Her meetings were described as `revival meetings, her audiences as `wild with enthusiasm. Thousands acclaimed her, thousands were turned away unable to enter . . . "And she made her message very plain. "She stood for no man, no party. She stood only for woman.

Then there are the harpers, with their smooth French-horn-breathing and piccola-piping comrades, who at the soothing hour of twilight affect the tranquil and retired paved courts or snug enclosures far from the roar and rumble of chariot-wheels, where, clustered round with lads and lasses released from the toils of the day, they dispense romance and sentiment, and harmonious cadences, in exchange for copper compliments and the well-merited applause of fit audiences, though few.

He had three sermons on this subject, known to all the country round as the sweating sermon, the fainting sermon, and the convulsion-fit sermon, from the various effects said to have been produced by them when delivered before large audiences. It might be supposed that his reputation as a terrorist would have interfered with his attempts to ingratiate himself with his young favorites.

I elected to play it quietly, with an intensity to be felt and not heard, the very opposite from the interpretation given by Miss Lyle last season, and I felt assured my efforts were appreciated by the audiences.

Perhaps our acrobat is still the delight of those more characteristic audiences of the road whose taste is less fickle, less blasé.