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Oh, if only I knew what it was she had asked Sir Aubrey that night what it was she wanted him to do. Never in my life before had I been in such an awful predicament.

Here service promised to be inadequate, but it had been her whim on this tour to dispense with the elaborate arrangements that Sir Aubrey cultivated and to try comparative roughing it. The narrow camp cot, the tin bath, the little folding table and her two suit-cases seemed to take up all the available space.

The Doctor looked even graver, and his eye fixed as on a thought far away, as the boy's grief brought to his mind the Great Assize, when all that is spoken in the ear shall indeed be proclaimed on the house-tops. There was something almost childish in this despair of Aubrey, for he had not become alarmed for the result of the trial.

Every one knows that life is full of them. The exposition might, no doubt, have been more economically effected. Cayley Drummle might have figured as sole confidant and chorus; or even he might have been dispensed with, and all that was necessary might have appeared in colloquies between Aubrey and Paula on the one hand, Aubrey and Ellean on the other.

I was altogether stopped when I happened to meet with Aubrey de Vere's Mary Tudor and Tennyson's Queen Mary. Soon afterwards I read Jane Eyre again, and was more than ever astonished at it. It is not to be classed; it is written not by a limited human personality but by Nature herself.

He had already disparaged Aubrey in note I to p. 105, but there he approached so closely to historical method as to say that "Aubrey quotes Beeston, a seventeenth-century actor, as his authority." "HE knows, HE knows" which traditions are mythical, and which possess a certain historical value.

Aubrey de Vere, "as we walked among the hills above Grasmere, on the mode in which Nature had been described by one of the most justly popular of England's modern poets one for whom he preserved a high and affectionate respect.

'And see the perfection of the animal! added Aubrey, pointing to a broad-backed waddling caricature of the little black fairy. 'Restitution must be made, little as she deserves you, you little jewel, said Leonard, picking up the object of his admiration. 'I'll take you out. 'No, no; I am not so infectious, said Ethel, tying on her hat; 'I had better do it.

Look well round the room, and tell me at your earliest leisure what treasure it is that you are desirous should pass from my possession into your own." "Your love, Morton," said Aubrey, drawing back, but apparently in pride, not anger; "your love: I ask nothing more." "Of a surety, kind Aubrey," said I, "the favour seems somewhat slight to have caused your modesty such delay in requesting it.

"They will think we are bluffing!" said the Angel, with quiet conviction. "Bluffing!" I cried. "Do they think we won't go if they don't give us heat?" "They little know you, do they?" said Aubrey, patting the sleeve of my sealskin, for I wore it all day now. I put it on when I got up.