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"You have wounded my vanity by intimating that my admirers do not love me for myself alone." He paused, also, and, narrowing his eyes again, looked straight between her lashes. "They ought to love you for yourself alone," he said, in a low voice. "You are a deucedly attractive girl." "Oh, Betty," Rosy had pleaded, "don't make him angry don't make him angry."

When he imagines that he has found such a key to life he offers it to, but does not force it on his fellow men. October 9, 1872. I have been taking tea at the M's. These English homes are very attractive. They are the recompense and the result of a long-lived civilization, and of an ideal untiringly pursued. What ideal?

It was Adam's calamity and sin that revealed God's love. When Adam fell God came down and dealt in mercy with him. If any one is lost it will not be because God does not love him: it will be because he has resisted the love of God. What will make Heaven attractive? Is it the pearly gates or the golden streets? No.

In changing the water, care should be taken to have that which is put in about the same temperature as that taken out. A sudden application of too cold water is not good for the fishes. The children should take care of their pets themselves and see that they do not suffer. The motions of the fish are what make it so attractive. How does it swim? Not with its fins to any extent.

Woods laughed, mirthlessly, and took a turn on the terrace. Mrs. Saumarez was regarding him intently. Her cheeks were of a deeper, more attractive pink, and her breath came and went quickly. "I I don't understand," she said, in a rather queer voice. "Oh, it's simple enough," Billy assured her. "You see, she well, I think she would have married me once. Yes, she cared for me once.

You find yourself in the position of keeping other people's property attractive, putting other people's visitors at ease and being economical with other people's money. And we repeat again that it requires a certain high stamp of character that is not found in most professions. Tidiness is very important in both men and women servants.

The study of some of our classical authors suggests itself as a relaxation for my leisure moments. The subjects of aeroplanes and national defense are worthy of consideration, too. I should like to visit several of the continental countries our own colonies are even more attractive; there wouldn't be the same difficulties about the language. Or, by Jingo, Andrew, I might learn French and Italian!

I mention this relation between Christianity and civilisation to prove that a civilisation with any spirit is not attractive to the Slav, but rather the civilisation with the Christian religious spirit only. Tolstoi denied all civilisation just because he did not see the Christian spirit in it.

His chief fault was a strong and uncurbed will, and he unfortunately had a quick temper. He was just sixteen years old, and was strong and hardy. He had dark eyes and hair, and a pleasing, attractive face. Randy's most intimate friend, Ned Chapman, differed from him in every respect, and made an admirable foil for the other's impetuous temperament.

In letter No. 1 my correspondent writes: "Though I am by no means over-indulgent to dogs, the latter generally greet me very effusively, and it would seem that there is something in my individuality that is peculiarly attractive to them.