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Two days later General Hill submitted another scheme which provided for a surprise attack by night with no naval or land artillery bombardment, such a demonstration being likely to attract attention. General Hill submitted his proposals in detail.

A State that would attract other fragments of the same nation must be attractive, and it must be broadly national if it is to attract. If Stein and Bismarck had been merely Prussians, if Cavour's policy had been narrowly Sardinian, would their States ever have served as the rallying centres for the Germany and Italy of to-day?

Her voice, despite herself, quavered a little at first. "Help! Help!" "Help help help!" chirupped Mrs. Pope, much as an extremely nervous person seeks to attract the attention of a waiter. "Louder ... much louder. He-lp!" "Help help he-lp! Oh, Elizabeth, and in a churchyard, too!" "Louder still.... He-el-lp!" "Help!... It's like waking the dead...." "He-el-lp!" "Hi, there!

Clair from coming to Paris?" "She is coming to Paris!" Bruslart exclaimed, half rising. "Have you taken any steps to prevent her doing so?" asked Latour. "Do you suppose I would have called her here on my account? She is not a patriot. She would come to her death." "That might be a way in which you could serve your country; a decoy to attract lovers and friends." "Are you serious?

The new machine was heavier and stronger, but similar to the one flown at Kill Devil Hill. When it was ready for its first trial every newspaper in Dayton was notified, and about a dozen representatives of the Press were present. Our only request was that no pictures be taken, and that the reports be unsensational, so as not to attract crowds to our experiment grounds.

But any greyish or yellowish insects would be less likely to attract attention at first sight, and would be overlooked as long as there were any more conspicuous individuals of their own kind about for the birds and lizards to feed on.

Then, with the rupture in the Church and the upspringing of other religious bodies and forms of thought, national figures become predominant in the scene, and attract nearly all the attention, which is given, except by a few curious persons, to the study of history. Nationalism, once in defect in Western Europe, has been for some time in excess.

He had left a small body of infantry at this place, but this was deemed inadequate to the required duties. But they were sufficient at least to attract the attention of the British.

Nor was his humanity unemployed in the vacations of his revenge. A man must be void of all sympathy and compassion, who can reside among so many miserable objects, without feeling an inclination to relieve their distress. Every day almost presented to his view such lamentable scenes as were most likely to attract his notice, and engage his benevolence.

If you and Miss Quinn could be seen in the nursery windows dandlin' a baby on each arm, and singin' lullabies to 'em for a few days, it'd attract attention, inspire faith in the timid, and public confidence would be restored. The tide of babies'd turn your way after a while, and the nursery would prove a howlin' success."