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And when you ask if it is possible always to make the necessary effort of will, I answer yes, of course it is possible. The secret of it all is to resolve upon a firm attitude and maintain it.

His attitude was that of a physician at a bedside, awaiting the prescribed opiate to produce its prescribed effect. "Will I be dragged into this case, in any way, if Binhart is rounded up?" the woman finally asked. "Not once," he asserted. "You promise me that?" "Of course," answered the Second Deputy. "And you 'll let me alone on on the other things?" she calmly exacted.

High in the sky clouds rolled toward the north. The girl swung impulsively from the little stoop and ran toward the barn. The great door was open, and the carved peg which usually performed the office of a catch lay on the ground. The girl could not see into the barn because of the heavy shadows. She paused in a listening attitude and heard a horse munching placidly.

And towards the question of clairvoyance, too, his attitude was significantly sane, for he knew how extremely rare the genuine power was, and that what is commonly called clairvoyance is nothing more than a keen power of visualizing. "It connotes a slightly increased sensibility, nothing more," he would say.

These were strange sentiments in the mouth of a man who was ever the mannered courtier, and as I sat there alone, while he was gone elsewhere for some minutes, many such things he had said came back to me, suggested, no doubt, by this new, inexplicable attitude towards myself.

Mac had no illusions on this point, and laughed at the padre and his serious, funereal attitude till he resumed his normal cheery manner, when he and Mac soon discovered that they had many great friends in common in New Zealand, for the padre hailed from those parts too.

As Glenn stood entranced, Joe seemed to be more struck with the operation of the enchantment on his companion's features and attitude, than with any effect from the same source experienced on himself. "Ain't you going down to the bottom of the valley?" asked Joe.

I feel much the same now when I think of my early attitude towards the Wonder. But this time, I think, I have profited by my experience. There is, however, one incident which in the light of subsequent events it seems worth while to record.

"The last war!" repeated Turnbull, even in his dazed state a little touchy about such a dogma; "how do you know it will be the last?" The man laid himself back in his reposeful attitude, and said: "It is the last war, because if it does not cure the world for ever, it will destroy it." "What do you mean?" "I only mean what you mean," answered the unknown in a temperate voice.

The heart which naturally grew warm at the mere sight of a human being, under the operation of this new experience slowly becomes paralysed. There seats itself gradually in the man's mind a presumption concerning every new face that it is the face of an enemy, and a habit of gathering himself into an attitude of self-defence whenever he deals with a fellow-creature.