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Kate rushed to the bottom of the attic stairs, and shouted "Josephine" at the top of her shrill voice; then, receiving no answer, she returned, condescended to put on the boots that Adelaide held up to her, and noisily pulled out some drawers; but not seeing exactly what she wanted, she again betook herself to screams of her maid's name, at the third of which out burst Mrs.

Rhoda Gray, following, removed the key, inserted it on the inside of the door, and, as she too entered, locked the door behind her. It was pitch-black here in the attic. Her face was set now, her lips firm. She had been waiting for this, hadn't she? It was near the end at last. She had Danglar alone. But not in the darkness! He was too tricky!

I may not be in until late. If the others are in bed, will you come and unlock the door for me when I throw gravel up at your window? You must tell me which is your window." "I sleep in the north attic. It doesn't look out on to the street; and I can't I can't possibly do it." "You can come down and wait for me in the hall." "How can I?" "When the tired one goes to bed, you can come down.

She soon saw her first circus and went to her first ball, a real novelty for the young woman who had sat demurely along the wall in the attic room of her Center Falls home while her more worldly friends danced. In spite of all her good times, she missed her family, but because of the long trip to Rochester, she did not return to the farm for two years.

"Up in the attic!" called Russ from his room. "That's where they sound." "I believe he is right," said Grandma Ford. "I have a good ear for sound, and that jingling is certainly up in the attic. Father, you'd better take a look." "Aren't you aren't you afraid?" asked Rose, rather hesitating over the words. "Afraid of what?" inquired Grandpa Ford.

The attic is the place of all places you would most love to be on this particular calendar day!

The day was drawing to a close, when he was finally aroused from his grief by a knock at his door and the well known voice of Florestan de Saint-Herem. Quickly unbolting the door of the gloomy attic chamber, he found himself in his friend's arms, who cried sympathetically: "Louis! my poor Louis! I know all. The concierge has just told me of your father's death.

The race of life has grown intense the runners are on each other's heels. Woe be to him who rests, or stays to tie his shoe-string! Our repast concluded, and Mr Treherne, again taking leave of me until dinner-time, I set out at once for the attic of my unhappy bread-stealer. What was the object of my visit? I had given him a sovereign. What did I intend further to do for him?

I saw him spar, not long since, at a private exhibition, and do himself great credit in a set-to with Henry Finnegass, Esq., a professional gentleman of celebrity. I am pleased to say that he has been promoted to an upper clerkship, and, in consequence of his rise in office, has taken an apartment somewhat lower down than number "forty-'leven," as he facetiously called his attic.

"Peter Burns' house is right in line with the dam at the other side of the plank, and if the dam should ever burst that house would be swept away." "And the barn and henhouse are nearer the pond than the house even!" Bert remarked. "It would be an awful loss for a poor man." "Let's go up in the attic and see how high the pond is," Harry suggested.