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In some cases these public works exist side by side in competition with private enterprise; as, for example, in the carriage of parcels, life insurance, banking, and the various minor branches of post-office work, in medical attendance, and the maintenance of national education, and of places of amusement and recreation.

I have now no further occasion for your services, and you can return with the earl to Hedingham, but your attendance in London will be needed when we lay hands upon these conspirators." The same day they rode back to Hedingham, but ten days later were again summoned to London. The queen had the day before journeyed to Windsor.

These have also served as a model for Mohammedan ritual which differs from the Jewish in little but its almost military regularity. But with all this the ordinary ritual of Hindu temples has nothing in common. It derives from another origin and follows other lines. The temple is regarded as the court of a prince and the daily ceremonies are the attendance of his courtiers on him.

The first four withdrawn constituted the assessor judges, who were at once warned by messenger to be in attendance at the consulate at ten the next morning, or be punished for contempt. What a stir was made in the little town as the news went round! Satterlee, the cherished, the entertained, the eagerly sought after Satterlee, had been discovered to be a pirate!

So regular in attendance, and stealing pigeons, you say? Oh, be sure, sirs, I will give them a talking-to a severe talking-to this very morning. The little schoolmaster went his way down the street in a flutter. Mr Pinsent stared after him abstractedly. 'That man, said he, after a long pause, 'ought to employ some one to use his cane for him.

Why I didn't die I can't understand. There was no attendance. All was confusion, horror, and death. "When I revived the first question was after Langhetti and Edith. No one knew any thing about them. In the confusion we had been separated, and Edith had died alone." "Who told you that she died?" asked Louis, with a troubled look. Frank looked at him with a face of horror.

A plan like this is enough to make people shy in their attendance, is certain to make ordinarily generous beings cover what they give with their finger ends, or slip their gifts sharply into the boxes and get them instantly mixed up with the rest, so that nobody can tell whether they have contributed a simple copper, a roguish little threepenny piece, or a respectable looking shilling.

They blushed, and scolded Barbaro, thinking that he had betrayed them. On examining them I found them far superior to Irene, my present flame, but their manner, the respect they seemed to require, frightened me. I was not at all disposed to dance attendance on them. Irene, on the contrary, was an easy prey.

Miss Mildmay was practically kind more self-denying than her guests realised, for out of consideration for them, she had renounced attendance that evening at a committee meeting of which she was the ruling spirit, and those who knew her well would have seen that to sit for two or three hours 'with her hands before her, in her drawing-room, made her feel sadly like a fish out of water.

But where is her mistress?" demanded the old man, in burning anxiety. "I do not know, sir; Katie was too much excited by the shock of her meeting with me and hearing that you were on the island to give any coherent account of herself." "But how came she here if not in attendance upon her mistress?