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Known as "the Conciliator," from his attempt to reconcile the diverse views on philosophy and medicine, he had an extraordinary reputation as a practitioner and author, the persistence of which is well illustrated by the fact that eight of the one hundred and eighty-two medical books printed before 1481 were from his pen. He seems to have taught medicine in Paris, Bologna and Padua.

I shall not attempt to do this heaven preserve Americans from being judged by their musical comedies ! and doubtless the children even of our most devoted advocates of universal peace have played with lead cannon and toy soldiers.

But the Bible says, "The love of money is the root of all evil" and I shall not attempt to weaken the statement. If it is a mistake at all it is so slight a mistake that we need not spend time in correcting it. And because so many of our temptations come through the love of money and the desire to obtain it, it is worth while to consider the laws of accumulation.

He drew a long and deep breath, and before he began to speak he searched himself for some comfort or encouragement, while Lemuel anxiously scanned his face. "Yes yes! I see your difficulty," he began, making the futile attempt to disown any share in it. "But perhaps perhaps it isn't so bad as it seems. Perhaps no harm will come.

It was not merely her longing to talk about Pollux which made her new home unendurable to Arsinoe, but many other reasons besides. She felt like a prisoner; and in fact she was one, for after each attempt at flight her freedom of movement was still farther impeded.

I saw that a number of craft had started out of the inlet a much puffing steam tug ahead, drawing several smaller boats behind it. There was no wind at all, so the fleet approached slowly, and we had the whale tackled to the Sea Spell, fore and aft, before the tug was very near. We made no immediate attempt to butcher the whale and I took pains to get some of its dimensions.

The doctor had told her she must not attempt to speak. I held her hand for awhile, and told how grieved I was over her misfortune. She smiled again and thanked me with her eyes.

In the meantime, we must attempt something of a succinct statement of the ethical, social and religious system with which the name of Auguste Comte is associated.

"The change was natural enough," he went on. "But why did you also become Vera in place of Sarah?" "Oh, is that it? Well, never attempt to account for the vagaries of a girl," she returned lightly, as though dismissing the subject. "I presume I took a fancy to the prettier name. But how did you know?" "Garrison rumor picks up nearly everything, and it is not very kind to you, Mrs. Dupont.

That he was almost heart-broken by the turn events had taken he made no attempt to conceal; and his distress was shared by those who heard his moving words.