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Jasper found himself regarded in the light of the heroic deliverer of the little boy from captivity, though he laughingly disclaimed the credit attaching to such a character. They had been home but fifteen minutes when Mr. Fitch arrived. At the moment of his arrival Jasper was in a handsome chamber on the second floor, which had been assigned to his use, preparing himself for dinner. Mr.

"It is really a pity that you should have left the Cairo branch and come here just when these robberies have put the Royal Palace under a cloud." Henri Verbier smiled. "You need not be afraid of my attaching too much importance to that," he said.

He rather set himself to study the lesson of old Hilbrook's life, and in the funeral sermon that he preached he urged upon his hearers the necessity of keeping themselves alive through some relation to the undying frame of things, which they could do only by cherishing earthly ties; and when these were snapped in the removal of their objects, by attaching the broken threads through an effort of the will to yet other objects: the world could furnish these inexhaustibly.

James gave orders to haul in the lines attaching the boat to the shore; and a gun-shot at departing announced to the numerous spectators that the "Marguerite" was on the point to set out for her unusual, but most interesting trip.

Doubtless the need for the finest possible expression of thought, and the knowledge that his words must carry the full burden of success, stimulated not only Shakespeare, but every dramatist of the great Elizabethan age. There was one special advantage attaching to the limitation of stage equipment touring was a simple matter.

He was an old man-of-war's boatswain, and had had a tussle, in his time, on every sea and ocean in the known world, with every wind that blows. He had rather a contempt for the Mediterranean, esteeming it just one degree above the Cowes Roads, and attaching about as much importance to its vagaries as one might do to the fractiousness of a spoiled child.

I ain't even a squaw, and they said they was going to make a Christian on me. I was a Chetonquin." "Oh, yes," said Benny, looking at her now with the interest attaching to one who had worn the feathers, and beads, and moccasons, and rings. "Well, what did you do when the colonel told you to go West?" "We had a fight." That was satisfactory to Benny.

How shall I avoid customaree stigma attaching to bearer of ill tidings?" "Speak!" said the German. "I won't hurt you!" "Sahib, in pursuit unavailingly of chance emolument in neighborhood of Chandni Chowk just recently " "How recently?" the German asked. "Oh, my God! So recently that there are yet erections of cuticle all down my back!

"Oh, good gracious!" said Betty, "what you must have been thinking about me! I declare I'll never tell you anything again!" and, beating her tiny foot upon the ground, she sat, scarlet, looking down at it. Aldous made all the smiling excuses he could muster. He had found Betty a most beguiling and attaching little companion, both at the Court in the Easter recess, and during the Italian journey.

If you admit Guespin's guilt, you admit that he was idiot enough to put a piece of his vest in his victim's hand; you admit that he was such a fool as to go and throw this torn and bloody vest into the Seine, from a bridge, in a place where he might know search would be made and all this, without taking the common precaution of attaching it to a stone to carry it to the bottom.