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At the last words of the fairy he turned towards Violette, and seeing that she was weeping, he said: "Why do you weep, my Violette? Do you fear that I will blush for you that I will not dare to testify before my whole court the tenderness with which you inspire me? That I will conceal what you have done for me or forget the bonds which attach me to you for ever?

Deserted by all in whom I have ever trusted; hoodwinked and beset by all who should help and sustain me, I fly to you for refuge. I confide in you to be my ally; to attach yourself to me by ties of interest and expectations. I regret having been severed from you so long." Mr. Pecksniff looked up to the ceiling, and clasped his hands in rapture.

His remaining so long without coming to a resolution proceeded, it is probable, from his unwillingness to attach himself to any Prince, till he despaired of a reconciliation with his Country; of which he was so desirous, that above two years and a half after he had been so shamefully driven out, he had still thoughts of it.

Gilt bullet-headed pins, to attach the bouquet to the corsage, lay beside these, while above lay a large white card bearing the name of the guest assigned to the seat. Above the name of the guests, blazoned in gold, was the American eagle, above whose head, through a cluster of stars, was the motto, "E Pluribus Unum."

In scientific expression, words lead us away to things pure description, or to their meanings mathematics and dialectic; but in poetry, since the values which we attach to things and ideas come from within out of ourselves and are embodied in the words, they keep us to themselves; we dwell in the expression itself, in the verbal experience its total content of sounds which we hear, ideas which we understand, and feelings which we appreciate, is of worth to us.

Poltneck had been singing folk-songs pure spirit of the boat and cradle, of the march and the marriage and the harvest, of the cruel winter and the pregnant warmth again; songs that had come up from the soil and stream and the simple heart of man, older than Mother Moscow, old beyond any human name to attach to them. True and anonymous, these songs.

We can tell them, moreover, that men attach no small importance to this very essential operation, and that a very effectual way to keep them in good-humour, as well as good condition, is for wives to study their husband's peculiar likes and dislikes in this matter.

"How can you exist thus without any one to attach you to life?" "It is not my fault, madame. At Malta, I loved a young girl, was on the point of marrying her, when war came and carried me away. I thought she loved me well enough to wait for me, and even to remain faithful to my memory. When I returned she was married. This is the history of most men who have passed twenty years of age.

Beware of those who wish to influence your passions, and to make you dupes to their resentments and little interestspersonal invectives can never persuade, but they always fix prejudices, which candor might have removedthose who deal in them have not your happiness at heart. Attach yourselves to measures, not to men.

Our words in praise of a virtue are of little account in comparison with the smallest fruit; that is, with the least of the acts of a virtue. "I add this because I know you attach too much importance to my words, and take them as literally as if they were oracles."