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Moral courage is a trait of character of the utmost importance to be possessed. A man was once challenged to fight a duel. As he thought of his own condition, if he should kill his adversary, and of his widowed wife and orphan children, if he should be shot himself as he thought of his appearance before the bar of God to answer for the atrocious sin, he shrunk from accepting the challenge.

The Marcia Reale was finished, but now in turn the Hymn of Garibaldi and the Hymn of Mameli, historic battle songs of Italian liberty, pealed forth to the stars, loud above the bursting of the shells. And many Italian eyes, from which the atrocious sufferings of this war had never yet drawn tears, wept with a proud, triumphant joy.

Some days elapsed, when comte Jean came to me, bringing two infamous articles which had appeared in the "Nouvelles a la Main," and were directed against me. They were atrocious and deeply chagrined me: I placed them on the mantel-piece, where all who came in could see them. The duc de Duras read them, and said, "Conceal these atrocities from the king."

I think it's the least horrid fault you can have; because it comes on you when you're not thinking, and it isn't your fault at all." "No; it is generally some one else's." "I don't think much of people's passions myself. He might have something far worse than that." "Most undoubtedly. He might have atrocious taste in dress, or a tendency to drink." "Don't be silly.

"Oh! you little preacher," cried Vallombreuse, with a bright, admiring smile; "how you take advantage of my weakness. However, it is perfectly true that I have been a dreadful monster, but I really do mean to do better in future if not for love of virtue itself, at least to avoid seeing my charming sister put on a severe, disapproving air, at some atrocious escapade of mine.

As the chief man among the French captives, he fared the worst. His hands were again mangled, and fire applied to his body; while the Huron chief, Eustache, was subjected to tortures even more atrocious. When, at night, the exhausted sufferers tried to rest, the young warriors came to lacerate their wounds and pull out their hair and beards. In the morning they resumed their journey.

He certainly did not oppose him; if he had, it would have been in vain. But those very circumstances which rendered it atrocious in Mr. Hastings to make any change induced him to make this. He thought that a moment's time was not to be lost, that other colleagues might come, where he might be overpowered by a majority again, and not able to pursue his corrupt plans.

Yes, Matilda, I trampled at once upon the exemptions of your sex, upon the sanctity of virtue, upon the most inoffensive and undesigning of characters. And yet all this were little. What a time was it that I chose for an injury so atrocious!

This was a suspicious circumstance, for who could tell that you were not willingly on board." "Ah!" exclaimed Ada, almost smiling at the atrocious supposition. "Surely no one could believe that I was acting in consort with pirates?" "Lady, I do not; but all may not so readily believe the truth," returned the Italian.

It was atrocious to publish such a conception, though nothing perhaps was intended by it, as it may deprive many people of faithful attendants at a time when they are most necessary. We have a tribunal revolutionnaire here, with its usual attendant the Guillotine, and executions are now become very frequent.