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The whole is so well put together, that not one single atom can be put out of its place without unhinging this immense machine; and it moves in such excellent order that its very motion perpetuates its variety and perfection.

When I think of its grandeur and its triumphs, I bow with reverence before its power, and am ready to despair of ever seeing it go farther than it has already gone; but when I think of its littleness and its failures, I take courage again, and determine to toil on as a living atom among living atoms.

If," was her suddenly-inspired concession, "if it will afford you the least atom of consolation, I 'll tell people that I am twenty-five. There." She wooed him anew with those melting eyes, and her tone was soft as a caress. "It is n't every man that I 'd offer to sacrifice three of the best years of my life for and it is n't every man that I 'd offer to tell fibs for."

I would much rather that you should have too much, than an atom too little. I am far from surprised that, having seen what you have seen, and suffered what you have suffered, you should have opened your soul to a sense of our fallen nature; and the incapability of man to heal himself. My opinions may not be in all points the same as yours; but I have experienced a similar alteration.

There was nothing he could do; he was like a mere atom of sand on a seashore, with the storm waves beating over him. The scene continued a little longer. Sanderson saw none of the men of the outfit. The dust died down, settling like a pall over the neck of the Hole.

Aymer was fairly caught, and wanted desperately to laugh, only the boy's face was so grave and concerned he did not dare. He thought for a moment to find a way out of the difficulty without upsetting the somewhat vague theories he had just crystallised into words. "But I owe something to the world, and you are a small atom of the world, Christopher, so I choose to pay a mite of my debt that way.

He walked far across the valley toward the low bluffs, but they did not seem to get any closer. And, finally, he stopped beside a stone and looked around at the strange horizon and up at the heavens. He did not feel utterly aloof from them, nor alone in a waste, nor a useless atom amid incomprehensible forces.

To know the smallness of the human atom, the limit of desire, the existence of other lives as precious as their own, is not the philosophy which makes great kings. Philosophy engenders pity; and one who possesses that can not ride roughshod over men, and that is the business of kings. As for Leopold, he would rather have wandered the byways of Kant than studied royal etiquette.

A positively electrified body is one that has lost some of its corpuscles."*4* According to this view, then, electricity is not a form of energy but a form of matter; or, to be more precise, the electrical corpuscle is the fundamental structure out of which the atom of matter is built.

I may say at once that there was no atom of drama in it.