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His fate dispirited the troops, and produced such confusion as Sarsfield could not remedy; for though he was next in command, he had been at variance with St. Ruth since the affair at Athlone, and was ignorant of the plan he had concerted.

Mother av Hivin! but I made that horse walk, an' we came into the Colonel's compound as the divil wint through Athlone in standin' leps. There was no one there excipt the sarvints, an' I wint round to the back an' found the girl's ayah. "'Ye black brazen Jezebel, sez I, 'sellin' your masther's honor for five rupees pack up all the Miss Sahib's kit an' look slippy!

Ginckle, on his part, as at Athlone, distributed money among the troops, and promised them the plunder of the enemy's camp. As the day cleared up, the British army was put in motion, and a strong column advanced against the enemy's right, where stood the house and grounds of Urachree, occupied by some Irish horse. A strong detachment of Danish cavalry headed the British column.

Ginkell, who had been rewarded for his great services in Ireland with the title of Earl of Athlone, presided; and Talmash was among the judges. Mackay and Lanier had been named members of the board; but they were no more; and their places were filled by younger officers. The duty of the Court Martial was very simple; for the prisoner attempted no defence.

Many and many a time during the campaign had Terence good reason for thinking with gratitude of Andrews' kindly thought. His greatcoat, which like those of all the officers of the regiment, had been made at Athlone, of good Irish frieze lined with flannel, would stand almost any amount of rain, but it was not long enough to protect his legs while lying down.

"The nicest girl in the room," said a gentleman with a Tipperary accent, "and has a mighty nice place near Athlone." The hint was not lost upon me, and I speedily began to faire l'amiable to my charge; and before we reached the supper room, learned certain particulars of her history, which I have not yet forgot.

My invasion of Athlone afforded a similar experience. There were sixty-five able-bodied men lounging on the Shannon bridge at three in the afternoon all deeply anxious to know whence I came and whither I was going, all with an intense desire to learn my particular business.

With him there was less a question of to whom the broad acres reverted, so much as whether that "scoundrel Tom Basset, the attorney at Athlone, should triumph over us;" or "M'Manus live in the house as master where his father had officiated as butler."

Against the fall of Mons might well be set off the taking of Athlone, the victory of Aghrim, the surrender of Limerick and the pacification of Ireland. At sea there had been no great victory; but there had been a great display of power and of activity; and, though many were dissatisfied because more had not been done, none could deny that there had been a change for the better.

Saint Ruth, over-confident, in a strange country, withdrew to Ballinasloe, behind the river Suck, and prepared to risk everything on the hazard of a pitched battle. De Ginkle moved slowly from Athlone in pursuit of his enemy.