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On its steps stood the Burgomeister and the village priest, and near them, still sitting astride his foam-flecked steed, was one of the soldiers who had brought the alarm. His two companions were already far beyond Meer, flying over the road to arouse the villages which lay farther to the east.

Eight months astride a saddle in the sun and wind had wrought a change in Robert Dillon. "'Lo, Red Haid," the justice sang out squeakily. "How's yore good health? I heerd you was d-drowned. Is you is, or is you ain't? Sit down an' rest yore weary bones." "I took a swim," admitted Bob. "The boys fished me out while I was still kickin'." "Rivers all high?" "Not so high as they were.

"We'll make them. Come on." "Ay! yi!" exclaimed Adan, not many moments after. They pulled up suddenly on the banks of the river, a body of water about three hundred yards wide. It was swollen almost level with the high banks. The tumultuous waters were racing as if Neptune astride them was fleeing from angry gods. There is something unhuman in the roar of an angry river: it has a knell in it.

Peko had then a force of about 1500 men, and Mukhtar did not attempt an attack, but, having made a military promenade through the lower Herzegovina, went back to Mostar and into comfortable winter quarters. Peko took position astride the road from Ragusa to Trebinje, and held the latter place effectually blockaded.

"Take off thar leg fastenin's!" commands Wilder, pointing to the prisoners. In a trice the lashings are loosed from their ankles, and only the ropes remain confining their wrists these drawn behind their backs, and there made fast. "Mount 'em on the mules!" As the other order, this is instantly executed; and the two prisoners are set astride on the hybrids, each held by a man at its head.

He's what he calls out his way a 'tenderfoot, he says, but he's game and can be depended on. Have you made up your mind where she'll cross?" and he bent over the chart. The Captain picked up a pair of compasses, balanced them for a moment in his fingers, and with the precision of a seamstress threading a needle, dropped the points astride a wavy line known as the steamer track.

Meanwhile his half-brother, Audley Egerton, may be said to have begun his initiation into the /beau monde/ before he had well cast aside his coral and bells; he had been fondled in the lap of duchesses, and had galloped across the room astride on the canes of ambassadors and princes.

As they charged about us we succeeded in mastering them sufficiently to prevent any concerted attack upon us, but the din of their squealing was certain to bring investigating warriors into the courtyard were it to continue much longer. At length I was successful in reaching the side of one great brute, and ere he knew what I was about I was firmly seated astride his glossy back.

An infuriated man, also in fancy costume, stood astride over the dead body, with his sword lifted to the lowering sky, and watched, with a horrid expression of delight, the blood of the man whom he had just killed dripping slowly in a procession of big red drops down the broad blade of his weapon. The next picture illustrated Cruelty, in many compartments.

"Till you get your muscles sort of eased up, ladies," he said. "If you haven't been riding astride, a horse's back seems as wide as the roof of a church. But we'll get a rest now. The rest of the way is walking." "I can't walk," Aggie said. "I can't get my knees together." "Sorry, ma'am," said Bill. "We're going down now, and the animals has to be led.