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It was only Mr. Snawdor who sought to uphold her, and Mr. Snawdor was but a broken reed. Meanwhile the all-important question of getting work was under discussion. Miss Stanley had made several tentative suggestions, but none of them met with Mrs. Snawdor's approval. "No, I ain't goin' to let you work out in private families!" she declared indignantly. "She's got her cheek to ast it!

"What's she doing, Colonel?" I ast him. "Everything," says he. "Buying new clothes and pictures, and lots of things. Besides, she's going to be building her house right soon." "What's that?" I says. "Her house. She's bought some land up there on the Lake Front, north of one of them parks; it lays right on the water and you can see out across the lake. She's picked a good range.

"I tell you, Grunzebach, or whatever your name may be," returned Miller, a little angrily, though a particularly good-natured man in the main, "that my gal shall not visit old Steven's da'ghters." "Vell, I'm sure she might do as she bleases; but I dinks der Mademoiselles Littlepage might do ast dey pleases, too."

The tears come in her eyes as she ast whar I'd git de money, seein' we was layin' up what come from de Norf for de chile. I'd done thought that out lyin' awake nights an' plannin' how to make her a lady. I'se bawn free, you know, an' freedom was sweet to me an' slavery sour, but for Miss Dory I'd do it, an' I said, "I'll sell myself to Mas'r Hardy, or some gemman like him."

Pegram, with a deliberation which confirmed his words, "but it's pretty nigh nine, and Sally she ast me not to be later than nine to-night, for our hired girl's gone home for a spell, and that makes it kind of lonesome for Sally: the baby don't count for much, only when he cries, and I'll do him the justice to say that isn't often." "It's a new thing for Sally to be scary, ain't it?" queried Mr.

One day a blacksmith as lives up Broad Street, said he found out the way he done it, and ast me to come with him and show up Jim for cheatin'. Naow, whether it was as Jim suspicioned the blacksmith I cain't say, but he didn't cheat, and lost his money in consequence. This riled him bad, so wantin' to get quit of the blacksmith he began a quarrel.

"There, there now, Doctor, I won't, doggone me ef I will," Nichol protested anxiously. Mr. Kemble met them at the door, and the captain recognized him instantly. "Why, yere's that sensible ole feller what didn't want to ast no questions," he exclaimed. "You are right, Captain Nichol, I have no questions to ask." "Well, ef folks wuz all like you I'd have a comf't'ble time"

"You 'pear to think, Mother, that I'm agin yer goin'." "Waal, it would kinder seem as if y' hadn't hustled yerself any t' help me git off." He was smarting under the sense of being wronged. "Waal, I'm jest as willin' you should go as I am for myself; but if I ain't got no money, I don't see how I'm goin' to send-" "I don't want ye to send; nobody ast ye to, Ethan Ripley.

The old feller was temp'rence, an' the boys put up a job on him one hot day at gen'ral trainin'. Somebody ast him afterwuds how it made him feel, an' he said he felt as if he was sittin' straddle the meetin' house, an' ev'ry shingle was a Jew's-harp. So I kep' mum fer a while.

The judge ast him if that were so, and he said, 'Yes, that's so. 'But why, sez the judge, 'why hain't you spoke to your wife for five years? And the man sez, 'Because I didn't want to interrupt her." Josiah declares it is true, but I believe it is jest a slur on wimmen. But to resoom. Swiftly, silently we sped on with the islands about us, the blue sky overhead and the shadow islands below.